
1st round of clomid....

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i am currently on my first round of clomid 50mg.I started taking it day 2-6(i am now on day 8)was just wondering when is best for me n my partner to start the 'baby dance' in order to give us the best chance of concieving??Also wondering roughly when i should ovulate if clomid works for me.thanks




  1. try asking the doctor that gave it to you?

  2. Do you have a normal cycle otherwise?  I am very irregular, thus the reason for me being put on Clomid and to exist me in ovulating.  But I took it days 5-9 and didn't reach my peak fertility ( I used an opk ) till day 22.  I would recommend using something to track your ovulation to help you determine when you will ovulate.  I have heard that Clomid delays ovulation, like 4 days or so.  I'm not certain if that is accurate but I have heard that.  I used an opk (monitor type) and it worked great for me!  It tells you when you reach high fertility and then once you hit your peak!  Good luck! Baby dust!

  3. You need to call your doctor.  The clomid pushes your ovulation back and it depends on the schedule they put you on.  This information should come from your doctor.  

    Also, if you use the Taking Charge of Your Fertility method, check your cervical mucous for your clues.

  4. Normally when the hospital prescribe this drug they book you in for scans to see how well you are developing.  Scans are normally done day10 to day 13, if you have not already had a surge they'll then give you a HSG injection to bring ovulation on.  

    I know that you can also get clomid over the internet (personally i would not recommend) so if you are taking it without hospital acknowledgment then BD day 10 to 16 to cover all days of ovulation.

    My personal experience was that i needed the injection because i was still not ovulating on my own.

    Good luck  

  5. your doctor should have given you a schedule and told you when the best times for intercourse would be...most people say that intercourse every other day is sufficient during an ovulation timeframe

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