
1st time mom planning babys 1st birthday party HELP!!!?

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My baby girl is turning 1 in August (planning ahead so its not a rush-rush deal). Ive already set a theme which is butterflies and bright colors (bought the plates, napkins, etc). Im having it at a recreational hall to help with space, and keep everyone cooled off. Im having a problem though deciding what to do for snacks (or should i plan a meal?), games, and party favors (what to put in them and how to bag them) (kids ages in family range from 2 and a half months to 6 and a half years). THANKS!




  1. We barbequed--hot dogs and hamburgers.  It was easy, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  We had a big cake for everyone else, adn then a small cake for my son.

    What time is the party?

    Have fun--the first birthday is a big deal! :)

  2. It all depends on what time you are having the party.  If it is close to meal time...get pizza's or do pasta.  If you are looking for just snacks...chips, dips, veggie platter and cheese and crackers.  For party favors...stickers, tattoo's, pencils, granola bars, erasers, bubbles..anything butterfly or summer themes.  Games...Pin the butterfly on the flower!! Go to!!  They have tons of cute stuff!!

  3. My baby girl turned one in April. My theme was flowers, butterflies, bright colors as well. I just made a few platters (meat and cheese, fruit and dip. veggies, shrimp dip with crackers), and then also cooked up some hot dogs on the barbeque. I also had a cupcake cake so everyone could just take one and not have to worry about cutting and plates and forks, etc. It was perfect, You dont want to be tied down too much, your little one is going to be very busy (I understand that you have help but really do you want to miss out on this special day because you were clearing plates from a meal?) As for favors I had children from the age of 10 months to 4 years, and i made two different bags. One with stuff for the older children (temporary tattos, stickers, rubber bouncing balls, chocolate, and bubbles), in the smaller childrens (bigger thinner bouncing balls, small stuffed animals, bubbles for the parents to play with them). Well I hope this helped and good luck!

  4. You have chosen the best time to hold your party as it is between traditional meal times you only need drinks and snacks, anything in the mini form is good for little hands eg. party pies, pasties and sausagerolls mini pizzas things of that nature, cup cakes, muffins and fairy bread triangles are every kids favorite. and you want to keep balance by serving the same amount of sweet and savory foods. Your local cheap as chips and spotlight stores are a great place to get party favors, little whistles, balloons, tiaras and little match box cars are always a hit. Try games that evey 1 can play like pass the parcel get the older children to help the small 1s. pin the tail on the donkey  (use blue tack inplace of pins)  If you want more detailed ideas email me directly I am a professional childrens party planner and dont mind giving new mums ideas.

  5. For food just do something easy, pizza or hamburgers and hotdogs are always a hit and then just do chips and dip, maybe a veggie tray. Make sure to get your daughter a small cake just for her and then a bigger cake for the rest of the guests. It's always so cute to watch them dive into their first little cake you'll want to take plenty of pics and it's a good idea to strip them down to just their diaper, it will save you lots of time on stain removal! Definitely get one little sets they sale to decorate the high chair with, it will come with lots of cute little decorations plus a plastic sheet to put under the high chair to catch all of the babies mess, it makes clean up so much easier!  here's a link to an example of what I'm talking about , it's for a little boy but at least it will give you an idea.

    as far as favors you can never go wrong with a cute little bag filled with candy and tied with some cute ribbon you could also get some cheap coloring books with crayons, or go to a dollar store and get some cheap little toys and then do a candy and toy combination. Kids are pretty easy to please really :) As far as games, most of the kids are still pretty young but you could still do pin the tail on the donkey, a pinata is always fun, tag, duck duck goose, there's really no limits, just think back to some of the games you enjoyed when you were that age, chances are they will enjoy those same things. Hope some this helped. Good Luck!

  6. That sounds great.

    You might want to somewhat personalise the bags, e.g. not giving a 2mnth old lollies.

    I wouldnt plan a meal, Lots of finger food would be good.

    Sausage rolls, fairy bread, party pies, Mini Hotdogs, chicken nugets, Honey Crackles, Fruit Kebabs.

    &for the little babies, have baby toys or nothing as party favours. at that ripe age, there isnt much you can get that wont cost you a fortune.

    for the older girls have stickers, pencils, anything butterfly themed or fairy theemed, you can get these type things at little kids fairy shops.

    Dont organise too many games, but a few for the 2+ ages.

    &have a look on google.

    You might also want to organise some face painting, even if its just by you or a friend &some colouring sheets with fun maybe glitter crayons &you could make pink playdough with sparkles in it to play with also.

    It really depends on how many people are attending, &your budget.

    Happy birthday to your daugher, &have fun!


    Mother of 15mnth old, Miah.

  7. You seems so exited, Happy Birthday to your little one in advance! My suggestion would be to keep it simple, at only one year of age your baby doesn't understand all the fuss and excitement and why there are so many people in your home. Schedule your party at a time that works best with your baby's schedule. You don't want them to be fussy or cranky because they didn't have their nap.

    And about snacks and games .. play games so the adults can assist the little ones. Stack soft blocks, roll a ball, read a very short story, sing songs, do baby art work using crayons and paper.

    You may want to have snacks available for the grown ups and of course you'll want to have a special cake.

  8. Just make something simple since you will have little ones attending. Dont stress over having a great party cause you want to be able to enjoy it since it's your first one with your child. Maybe you can talk to the parents of the young children and see what all their kid enjoys eating and plan from there.

    Have fun!

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