
1yr anniversary and drama!?

by  |  earlier

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We have been together, for a year!

We are having a lot of problems recently, he doesn't have much money at the moment, but he is getting a couple thousand from his job next friday!

We are having a LOT of trouble connecting...

He has me "working" for him at his job, since I don't have one, but I am also taking care of house work, reading his thearpy book, reading a relationship book, that he only wants to know the key points of, and reading my own books since I am not in school at the moment, I am also looking for a place for us to stay, getting a Gov. Grant and home, and I am also trying to set up my own little business, on top of trying to write my own story.

I don't have $16 to my name at the moment.

The problem?

1. We are both very romantic in a way that we LOVE anniversarys.

2. He has set up something for today, but he doesn't seem like he really wants to celebrate which is ODD! (we spend 24/7 together so it's not like there is someone else)

3. He told me to find something to do but I don't have money for anything, and for our 6th month anna. He was upset because I didn't have money to buy him something in return for his present So I tried to make him a big dinner, romantic massage, bath, and s**y games...

4. HELP! what do I do? If it doesn't cost money he will be unhappy... what should I do?

For his b-day he was mad 'caz I didn't buy him a $300 palm hand held, and instead I got his father to take us to disney, I bought a few gifts, and his parents took us out.

Now he is upset 'caz he knows I can't buy him a $200 pair of boots, shirt and tie (which he has oer 20 of, more clothing than I do)

I can understand because I can not bring any money to the relationship, but in the first 6 months I let him stay with me, and drove him all over, putting his life first, and I don't regret it. But I feel like he is always expecting something from me that I can not give.

I just don't know what to do! Worried he'll be upset with me!

He's already upset he can't work on our anna.

I WOULD have a job, but I can not because of family who lives far, (birthdays holidays) untill Jan. BUt he would rather me work for him while he's gone so I can make money for him than me go and se my fam. I feel like he is trying to make me feel bad about it.

I don't know why but it's all about money with him, and he'll deny it to th end! He makes a LOT of money(thousands a week)!





  1. Tell him everything costs money and he needs to get his *** out there and work 2, maybe even 3 jobs.  

  2. So he doesn't appreciate your creativity.

    Ask if you can borrow $200...that you don't have to pay back, buy the boots for him. Present them to him by wearing the boots and dancing.

  3. He's a gold digger.  He asks you to show the money and treat him.  Get away.  That's not a real man.

    PS he's keeping all his cash for himself...

  4. Give him a set of luggage and tell him to pack.

  5. Let me know when your BOOK comes out in soft cover. JEEZ this is a bit long !

    Seriously I think you should drop Mr. Superficial now. All he cares about is material things and how much they cost.

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