
1yr old, bottles, cups, and confusion!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my girl was 1 yesterday. she wont hold her own bottle or cup, but will drink from a sippy if its held for her. ive tried leaving it and refusing to do it but she ends up crying and im not one for leaving her crying.

last night she came across my nieces fruit shoot and just picked it up and started drinking from it. i got her fruit shoots today and took the juice out and replaced it with her own sugar free juice and she would not let me touch it, she HAD to do it herself and she did.

so when it got to bedtime and i handed her the bottle, she just cried till i gave her it. are there actual cups i can buy with the same sort of sports cap spout for her, or do you think i should just keep refilling the fruit shoot bottles for her?

for those who dont know what a fruit shoot is:




  1. I would say if she will drink from fruit shoots then let her keep drinking it. don't put it in the releases toxics

  2. I would just continue to give her the fruit shoot bottles. My daughter did the exact same thing at this age, they really want to be the same as the older girls don't they lol! I think the sports cap type bottles are better for their teeth than sippy cups anyway. You could try getting the actual cup with the sports cap though, (they sell then in tescos i think) it might prove a little more hygienic, being easier to clean and all. She will probably be happy to have either.

  3. u can buy those bottles try tesco boots ne where really. my 1 yr old is so fussy with cups she has milk in a bottle for sleep times and a cup which has a sort of straw thing for day time.

    my almost 3 yr old wont give up his bottle at night which is driving me mad.

  4. You could go to a sporting goods store (or even Target or Wal-mart type store) and get a sports bottle with that type of spout.  They're not as spill proof as traditional sippys, but if that's what works for her, I'd go for it.  Also, have you tried the 'straw' type sippys?  Maybe that'd work.... once she gets a little older, she'll probably use whatever cup you give her.

  5. Tesco's do a avent (i think) sportster which has the same time of lid. or just go to a pound shop they do a lot of juice bottles that have that type of lid.

  6. I have a 3 year old son....he loves those kind of tops so I bought several water bottles you know the kind you take on runs....I picked mine up at Wall-Mart....he however uses cups also....but during the day he is rarely without the water bottle....I think that what ever works is the way to go...

  7. little miss independent !! :)  i would keep the one you got just in case , but also go to walmart or your local store and go back to the baby section and see what they got there . if cant find them there go to liek the sporting good area , and something like that would be around the camping or exercise stuff. at least that's where i found mine at .  

  8. you can buy proper kids sports lid cups! dont keep replacing water in fruit shoot, they are actually made of plastic that is only supposed to be used once!

  9. Just give her whatever she'll drink out of. You can try to get regular water bottles from the grocery store and refill them with milk or juice. Otherwise get a few more fruit shoots and reuse them a few times before replacing them. Keep offering a sippy cup and eventually she'll take whatever you give her. Kids this age can be picky about their cups and bottles but eventually will take whatever they get. I had a one year old that would only drink from a sippy cup if you held it for her. I just held her by the elbows and gently pushed her arms up to tilt the cup, helping her drink. After a few weeks she got the hang of it and did it all on her own. Just give your daughter a little time to figure it all out and she'll be a pro at all different cups in no time flat.

  10. My son's 1 next week and I have never really allowed him bottles, I personally don't like them, plus it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine seeing toddlers with bottles hanging out their mouths. (I'm talking baby bottles here not water bottles)

    He won't drink from a beaker or those non spill baby cups so right from the start he has drunk from open cups.

    When we go out I take him a bottle of water with me and he drinks from a small sized plastic bottle with a sports cap. He now uses this when ever we are out or he's in his pushchair and holds it himself but at home/grandparents etc he will drink from an open cup that I hold for him.

    You daughter seems to have wanted the fruit shoot bottle as she saw your niece using it and wanted to be like her, perhaps you could try an open cup at home too. When she sees you using one, it may make her more interested in it. I personally don't see a problem with you giving her the fruit shoot bottle, children need to find there own way and this is just her doing that.

    Best of luck.


  11. You can buy a infants sports bottle. I bought mine from mothercare, they have a really good range. But if its the fruit shoot bottle she likes then more than likely only that would do!!  

  12. its ok for a little while but those kind of tops can cause problem with their teeth overbite  misalignment and such

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