
2 1/2 yr. old can recognize similar words in books...

by Guest31822  |  earlier

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My 2 1/2 year old son is recognizing words that are the same on the pages of his books. Is this normal for this age? He enjoys pointing out the "matches" while we read. What do you think? Is there any other way to continue to encouage this?




  1. My daughter learned to read by age 4 in a similar fashion, word recognition.  I'd say your son is way ahead of the curve.  Don't do anything more just read to him often and try some of the 'easy reader' books that have a few words per page, lots of repetition and words that can be easily explained.  

    Reading to him is the single most important thing you can do - you're doing it all right!!  

  2. My son is also 2 1/2 and does the same thing.  He showed a great interest in books and reading at about his first birthday so we have nurtured that.  He knows all of the sounds letters make and a lot of sight words and is starting to get some phonics down.  I just bought him Hooked On Phonics (Kindergarten -2nd Grade edition).  He LOVES it and begs to do his lessons.  Maybe your son would like it too.  Just be sure to never pressure him.  This is a very young age to actually start teaching reading so if he doesn't want to do it them don't force him.  Just keep on reading to him.  BTW, I also bought some easy reader books, but he doesn't like them.  I think he finds them boring.

  3. It's wonderful. Don't make a big deal about it. It's great but, it's not something to "teach" him now. Let him have fun with it. Encourage him to enjoy the games and to enjoy reading with you and being read to and doing whatever he likes to do with books. Don't quiz him and show him off and end up trying to teach him how to read. He will so easily learn it all on his own if you just continue to read to him and show him how enjoyable books are. Let him take the lead. You could get him an ABC puzzle. Get him all the books he wants and read to him from the same ones over and over if that's what he likes. Read whole stories to him. Tell him made up stories as well. Just enjoy his amazement with reading and with letters and let him have a good time with it. He is already ahead and will stay that way and enjoy it all as long as you do, without focusing on anything other than the fun of it all.

  4. i believe its normal

    u should buy him the read along books

    or at some places u could by a book with a cd  

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