
2-3 sentence description of mummification?

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In Egypt.




  1. One sentence:

    The preserving of a dead body, by making it into a mummy.


    1 : the process of mummifying or the state of being mummified

    2 : the devitalization of a tooth pulp followed by amputation of the coronal portion leaving the remainder of the devitalized tissue in the tooth canal



    Noun 1. mummification - a condition resembling that of a mummy; "bureaucratic mummification in red tape"

    condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"

    2. mummification - (pathology) gangrene that develops in the presence of arterial obstruction and is characterized by dryness of the dead tissue and a dark brown color

    cold gangrene, dry gangrene, mumification necrosis

    pathology - the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases

    gangrene, slough, sphacelus - necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass

    3. **mummification - embalmment and drying a dead body and wrapping it as a mummy

    embalmment - preservation (of a dead body) by treating with balsams and drugs and other chemicals **

  2. Take out (most) organs and store these separately in canopic jars, scrape out brain through nostrils (then discard it), embalm with natron them allow to dry a few days, then wrap. Put in coffin, store in room that only soul can escape through false door. In many ways,it's very similar to what someone in a funeral parlor would do to a corpse.

  3. It's fairly gruesome and I feel that an answer even of 2 or 3 sentences may be found objectionable by some. I suggest you google for an answer

  4. Gut and wrap. And add some spice so it smells nice.

  5. How to Mummify a Body

    First, purify the body by washing it with water.

    Make an incision on the left side of the body, below the heart.

    Remove the liver, lungs, intestines, and stomach. Leave the heart intact, as the deceased will require the heart to travel to the spirit world.

    Put each of the 4 organs you have removed into its own canopic jar.

    Insert the hooked tool into the deceased's nostril and pull the brain out through the nose. The brain can be discarded.

    Liberally cover the body in natron (a natural salt, composed of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with traces of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate). The natron will dehydrate the body and allow the blood to drain from it.

    Allow the body to drain for 40 days.

    When the body is fully dehydrated, wrap natron-soaked gauze or bandages around it. Make sure to cover the body completely from head to toe.

    Decorate the mummy with an appropriate designs or mask that fits the social station the deceased had in life.

  6. The Egyptians took out all of the internal organs, except the heart. When they removed them the organs were put in canopic jars, that were put in the tomb with the mummy. They did not take out the heart because it was believed to be the intelligence and emotion of the person. The Egyptians thought the brain had no significant value, so they took it out through the nose. The body was packed and covered with natron (a salty drying agent). After this the body was left for 40-50 days.  

  7. Mummification included removal of the internal organs, anointing the body with spices and minerals and wrapping it in strips of linen. It often included the placing of charms in among the wrappings to ensure the protection of the person in the other world.

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