
2 DUI and applying for citizenship?

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I am a resident since 2002 and dont have to renew till 2015. I am in my sixth year and would like to apply for citizenship. my issue is that 2 years ago i had my second dui which was not a felony.

Should I apply now or should i wait a few more years? What would you do.

Obviusly I dont drink anymore and became a very responsable individual and have a great job and make excellent money.




  1. If I broke into your house twice, and got caught twice while taking your utilities to make my home better...  would you invite me in 2015

  2. Two DUIs are going to be a problem under the "good moral character" requirement for citizenship.  I do not think that two years is enough time to demonstrate that you have changed your ways.  Remember, the INS agent who assesses you has discretion as to whether he/she even passes your application on for review.  I would suggest that you wait for a few more years and then apply.  You can certainly talk to a lawyer to see what has happened to others in your shoes.

  3. You will be deported if you re-apply,,,,,,and will at least lose your job if you stay.

  4. You need to be sent home!

  5. Sorry, but I do not think you are a good candidate for citizenship at this time.

  6. You must wait for 5 years from the date of your last offense/conviction to file for citizenship. If you do so before the 5 yrs your application will be denied. You must show 5 yrs of good "behavior", no arrests, no charges, no convictions. Good luck and stay sober.

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