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Ok I Went Through 2 Interviews At Target Today.. & I Think I Did Pretty Well.. I Gave Eye Contact I Spoke Loud & Answered The Questions Direct.. The First Lady That Interviewed Me Was Very Nice & Cool She Made Good Comments On The Answers I Gave Her Like "That Sounds Very Good" ETC. But The Second Lady Who Interviewed Me..Seem Like She Really Didn't Like Me & Her Questions Were Kind Of Difficult But I Answered Them Anyways.. Now The Second Lady Said They Are Going Over Applications Through The Week & Will Contact Me Through Email Or Postcard To Let Me Know If I Got The Job She Didn't Even Mention A PHONE CALL.. AM I WASTING MY TIME?? Or Do You Think I Still Have A Chance At Getting The Job?? Because Usually They Let People Know The Same DAY.. So I Have Been Told.




  1. Two interviews are good.  What a lot of people don't know is, some employers give a "negative" interview with a candidate. These are usually in marketing companies.   No eye contact, no positive body language, no response or negative response after questions.  They want to see how you react to negative input.

    On the other hand, don't wait for Target to call, email, or fax you.  Stay on your job search till you are hired.

  2. ok target is not the best place to work at or the job to be worrying about..  there are many other minimum wage opportunities out there too you know.

  3. Naw, you better keep looking.

  4. Hmmm... sounds like you did a pretty good job. Don't worry about wasting your time. Good luck! [:

  5. **You're not wasting your time.  She's probably got to discuss it with other people and wasn't in a position to tell you that day that you have or haven't got the position.

    Until you hear back from them I'd keep applying for other jobs.  You've got nothing to lose and will better your chances for getting a job.

    If you're really keen on this Target job after a couple of days you could always call them, speak to one of the women who interviewed you and ask them if they're made their decision yet.

    This will show them that you are keen and if they tell you that they've decided to go another way you can then ask them why you didn't get the position and use those answers to help better yourself for future interviews etc.

    Good luck with it all.**

  6. You had one  job interview, only with two different interviewers. Two interviews is when you get called back in for a second time. I'd say you in line with others. Don't get your hopes too high here. I'm not being a pessimist at all. I'm looking at it based on your information.

  7. nope, i would concentrate and look for other options.

  8. i sure do  now  wait  till your phone  rings  monday

  9. RUN!!!!!! I worked for them along with 4 friends (we met there) is was the worst job ever, they dont care about there employees and will work you to the bone! I have worked a few retail stores and honestly never seen so many people leave or walk out as I did my year there!

  10. I worked at Target for 5 years. You have to be consistant with follow ups. Go in and ask to speak to the LOD of HR. Let her/him know that you are interested and excited about working for them.

  11. If you had two interviews in the same day, you have a great chance!  

  12. dude be happy you got an interview!! i applied last week and they and other stores didn't call me. i'm so peeved. btw I think you will get the job. don't give up yet! =]

  13. Hard to tell.  They always screen multuple applicants before making a final decision.  It doesn't sound like you "wowed" them.  

    Do you always capitalize every word?

  14. In all honesty: don't turn down another job waiting for target to call. My daughter (18) is a hard working, reliable, honest kid. (So much it almost makes me sick, lol). She had 2 or 3 interviews with Target, they lost her application twice and called her in for a third interview and virtually promised her the job. they never called. When she called them they didn't remember her. She won't even shop there now.

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