
2 Science Questions about Electric circuits and Living things Respire. Easy questions, Primary 5.?

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Electric circuits : How does electricity travel in a circuit?

Living things Respire : Latiff blew into a beaker of clear limewater and it turned chalky. Why did this happen?




  1. Electricty flows from negative to positive when in direct current (DC) requiring two wires to complete the circuit and acts like water as stated by previous answerer. In alternating current (AC) electricity flows in a wave pattern, both positive and negative flow down the same wire. The top of the wave is positive the bottom of the wave is negative.

    As for your other question, I am guessing here, but the carbon dioxide in his breath caused a chemical reaction making calcium carbonate - which is what limestone is...or chalk.

  2. How does electricity travel in a circuit?

    Current : just like how water flows in a hose.

    Ohm's law :     V = IR >>   I = V/R

    V = Voltage,  R = Resistance and  I = Current.


    Edit : Outstanding answer below, thank you Sir.


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