

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike right now im in Mississippi

and my dads stray cat had 4 kittens

about 2weeks ago.

one of them came out of there little den

the other day squaling.and the mother hasnt fed

her nearly as much as is needed!

now i make the mama feed the kitten

regulary as needed (every 2hours)

the kitten now has a regular routine.

eat then sleep eat then sleep and so on.

but im leaving MiSSiSSiPPi in 2-4 weeks

to go to ARkANSAS (my current home)

and im taking the kitten with me.

so theres going to be a 3-4 hour trip

from mississippi to arkansas.

and the kitten's going to be in the car with me.

what items will i need for the trip.

and where can i buy a kitten milking bottle

and milk formula,because i want to get

the milk bottle and formula before we go

on the trip.and there's really only walmarts

and dollar stores and i dont know if they sell

those items.






  1. My first suggestion would be to leave the kitten with the mom if you are able to.  Taking a 2 week kitten away from her mom AND traveling is very hard on a kitten, especially on one that has probably just opened its eyes/ears have opened.

    IF you must take the kitten with you, i would recommend purchasing "Just Born" or "KMR."  I believe both are available in liquid and or powder form (you have to add water to the latter).  You also will have to make sure you are able to feed this kitten every 2 hours (or more) or so for the next few weeks.  In addition, to stimulate mom's care, you will have to wipe the kittens face often to keep the kitten's face clean AND wipe the kittens private areas to stimulate eventual defecation, etc.

    I also would suggest getting a kitten warmer or creating a make-shift box where you need to keep the kitten warm constantly.  Blankets will NOT work - you need to get a heat lamp.

    I also suggest looking online or purchasing a cat care book, which almost always has a huge section on taking care of kittens, especially if the mom rejects them.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Baby kittens are cute but i think you should donate them to a local breeder and let her/him raise him s she/he can have a hme.

  3. You should not take a kitten that age away from its mother.  Bottle feeding a kitten is a very hard thing to do.  There's a lot more than just bottled feeding it (#1 you have to use an eye dropper).  After the mother feeds the kitten, she bathes her because the kitten will potty after being fed.  Did you think she didn't potty at all?  

    If you are going to take her that young, get the eye dropper and go to the vet for formula.  Baby formula is not the same as what a kitten needs.  They will tell you how much to give her.  You also need to bring water to clean the dropper and to give her water.

  4. by the time you get ready to leave the kitten will be between 4- 6 weeks right - you might can start it on soft foods about the time your going to leave there.  Petsmart and petco also sell the milk and bottles. at 4 weeks I think the kitten will do fine with out its mother.

  5. there should be regular baby formula at walmart, that should work for now, as for a bottle, try walmart. if they don't have it, use a glove, wash it REALLY REALLY well, and poke a whole in one of the tips so the kitten can suck from it. or, try to get the kitten to drink from a shallow dish, though i doubt that would work.

    hope this helps

  6. You can't take a kitten away from it's mother at 2 weeks!!!!

  7. Leave it with its mum.  If it is feeding now it will be best.  Taking a kitten from the mum is a bad idea.  As I have no control over your actions get KMR milk replacement.  Walmart may or maynot have it.  Pet stores will have it.  You need their starter kit which will include baby bottle.  Bring a very warm fleecy blanket with you and a washcloth that you can keep warm and wet.  After each meal you will have to "l**k" their bums with the washcloth to encourage them to eliminate.  

    Really hope you leave it with mum

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