I have a 2 1/2 year old and a daycare child that is going to be turning 3 in november. I also have some 1 year olds who will need to participate in activities that are child friendly. My biggest concern is what to do with the almost 3 year olds as far as starting preschool activities. I know play is the best learning but I want to find some good ideas on teaching the alphabet, colors and shapes. Also counting is going to be a big part of the "curriculum" that I want to teach. I don't want it too be too structured but I want to have good learning tools. My daughter knows how to count to 14, knows her basic shapes, and knows a few of the colors. But the other almost 3 year old doesn't know hardly any of this so I want good ideas. Websites that have worked for people, or just ideas that have worked for you or your family. Any ideas on what to do as far as basic teaching will be helpful, thanks!!