
2 boy bunnies: 2 yrs old, and 3 months old?

by Guest62646  |  earlier

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i bought a boy bunny about 2 years ago, and noticed it was lonely, so i bought another boy bunny today who is really young. now, when introduced the bunnies, my older bunny started humping the other bunny... should i separate the bunnies from each other, or should i let them get to know each other so that they can actually be friends? i don't know what to do because i want them to be like brothers, but i dont' want my older bunny's behavior to scare the younger bunny.




  1. my 2 male rabbits did it all the time. they were unneutered also.

    its nothing to worry about.

  2. That is a dominance based behavior. Also are they both fixed? If not they will KILL each other. Male rabbits can be VERY aggressive towards each other until they are fixed.

    For articles on rabbit bonding go here:

  3. We purchased a white lionhead rabbit from a petstore. We had her a while and decided she was in need of a playmate. We felt bad for supporting a pet store the 1st time so we made it right by adopting from a rescue for the second one. They are both mild mannered rabbits and and are about the same age and size. We started with them in a bathtub and a little humping went on. One is spayed and one isn't so we were worried the one that isn't would try to be dominant but she did really good. Anyways, we thought they were good after some time and we put them in the same cage. Well the one we adopted started to lose hair. She was stressed out. We separated them again and gave them more time. Then we got a bigger cage and put them together again. Everything is fine now.

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