
2 bulging discs, 3 pinched nerves, twisted pelvis pushing on sciatic nerve, treatment is?

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2 epidurals have been done and physical strength in legs and on major on lyrica ...all seems to help some but not much




  1. My guess is that the respondents to date do not fathom the scope of your problem or they would not offer advice. Your discs may be nominally bulging to grossly extruding. Your nerves may be irritated to grossly compressed. For all I know, you may have a short leg and thereby a congenital or post-traumatic leg length discrepancy related twisted pelvis. Your issues are too big for these postings....keep up with your physicians.

  2. What you are doing is one answer.  There are more.  Sciatia and discs can be treated by Chiropractic.  Find one that will work with you.  Another answer is acupuncture.  they can help to relieve the pain with the needles if afriad of needles acupressure will work.  A third way is to try physical therapy.  

    If you are at the point of trying anything then do it all something will help.  Keep an open mind to other treatments.

  3. I had one and had a discectomy. If chiropractic  care doesn't work, you need to thing about getting it done. You could lose the feeling in your legs or feet permanently.

  4. Based on your extreme condition, take care with these suggestions, since my case is not as extreme as yours.

    I developed a bulging disc between lumbar 4 and 5 by running too much on thejogging trail. I'll tell you what I did. You'll have to decide what isapplicable in your case. But be careful. I would consult with a doctor before proceeding.

    1) My chiropractor recommended taking daily doses of 100 mg. of Vitamin B6. It strenghthens nerves. I noticed an improvement in 4 to 6 weeks.

    2) Aleve is a good NSAID medication that is sold over the counter.

    The doctor can prescribe a stronger form of the drug in the name Naproxen.The doctor can also prescribe Tramadol which is a narcotic and good pain reliever.

    3) The lunge exercise is good for sciatic conditions.

    An example is at the bottom of this site:

    4) I bought the Teeter inversion table. You can invert yourself partially

    or completely for spine decompression. It feels great.

    It costs a few hundred but I like it.

    5) Back ice packs (they connect with velcro) you can buy them at most pharmacies

    -- example at the site below:

    6) I purchased the Rebuilder 2407 Electronic Stimulator (information at the site below). This product was intended for a variety of ailments including nerve damage due to diabetes but I found it helpful when the electrical attachments are placed slightly to the right and left of the spine where the bulging disk occurs. In my case, just slightly lower than waist level to the right and left of the spine. They want $699 for this, so it's something to consider even though it's a little

    expensive. I bought the more expensive model since it had the AC adapter associated with it rather than just the battery (and so it supplies more power). It definitely makes you feel good when you use it.

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