
2 chemical pregnancies in a row, Short Luteal phase? Is there a way to cure this?

by Guest62341  |  earlier

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I'm 20 years old. Gravida 4 para 1 .. my last two pregnancies were chemical, ending before the fertilised egg could implant.

Why is the egg not implaniting? My cycle is around 21-28 days long. So I'mguessing my Luteal phase is too short? Yet my ovulation sticks have been positive for over 2 weeks!!!?

Please help suggest? I'm going to the Doctors tommorow, but I hardly see him taking me seriously TTC at 20.

However, my first is 14 months, Ive always wanted children with a small age difference and feel this is proving impossible?

Working on the Labour suite is starting to depress me.




  1. It sounds like you have a short luteal phase. It would help if you charted your BBT, then you would know for sure. I have a short luteal phase (5 days)  and a longer cycle 32 days (Ovulating on day 29) and I've found that Vitex helps. This cycle I took Vixex (liquid form) and it moved my O day by ten days! So I o'd on the 19th instead. It's suppsoed to lengthen your luteal phase as well. I reccomend it, alot of people have used it with success and you can buy it at your local health food store. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!:)

  2. Your age should have nothing to do with getting treatment.  Obviously, there may be a problem here.  Having a short luteal phase can definitely affect your chances of conceiving.  Do you chart?  A short LP is treatable.  I was put on Clomid, it increased my LP from 9 to 12 days.  Yes, you need to mention this tomorrow at your appt.  If he/she does not take your concerns seriously, find another doctor!!!

  3. I'm 25 year old, i've had a lot of trouble with falling pregnant too!! I would like to say please never give up trying !!

    I have a 7 yr daughter (i had her when i was 17 yrs) , I always wanted her to have a sister or brother when she was little , but every month past with neg test!! There were many tears of disappointment , I gave up trying after 7 1/2 years to focus on my career now my daughter is at school, then out of the blue i had a preg test, and it was POSITIVE!! after so long , my little girl is finally going to be a big sister!! and i can enjoy been a mummy again :) but ow this happened has got me!! I've got a blockage in 1 tube the other is half blocked and twisted onto my uterus!! This bub is one in a million!!

    NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!! Best of luck tomorrow at the doctors, If you want to email me feel free too!! I'm happy to chat :)

  4. Could you be pregnant now ? I got a positive on a ovulation test when I was in fact pregnant

  5. Hi- how early did you test? did your next period come on time?

    This also happened to me twice in a row, I wen to the doctor and he told me they could not be included as miscarriages so there was nothing they could really do. He also said that this prob happens most times you try to get pregnant and dont and most women will never know, meaning that if we tested early every month early it would probley happen nearly every month. I am now 10 weeks pregnant on my 3rd try.

    I wouldn't worry especially since you have a child, you know that you can have one. Try not to test early

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