
2 chess questions (need to economise the answers points!)?

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1) i am new to chess (learned in august) but am quite please with my progress. i have entered a rapid play (30mins) tournament in february, but due to exams i have limited study time. i am pretty happy with my opening, so what should i study to make the most efficient use of my time? i have the complete guide of chess strategy by jeremy silman

2) can anyone recommend a good uk based chess magazine, withe the exception of british chess magazine?




  1. 1. if ur opening isn't the English opening,change it to english, because in the modern chess ppl don't play the old fashion king pownd opening. so study the english opening, it has lots and i mean lots of variations.

  2. As I'm sure many people have told you end game study is very important.

           I'd suggest preparing an opening repertoire. study the variations of the openings that you choose, and play them a lot! I'd suggest against a computer, or skilled player. and just practice the h**l out of it until the tournament comes. and of course i mean play an entire game not just the opening, but use the openings that you choose consistently so that you become very familiar with the positions and know what your aim should be and what your opponents aim should be, and just practice practice practice!

    Don't completely rely on the book moves from the opening because it is likely your opponent will stray, but don't let him trick you into playing bad moves, because the situation looks unfamiliar, he may transpose into the opening and then you'll be sitting there with a poor move for the opening, play true to your goals!

  3. in rapid chess its best to study tactics,and lots of them.

  4. Yhere is a series of 5 books by GM Yasser Seirwan. Play winning chess, Chess Openings, Strategies, Tactics, and Endgame strategies. Should give you about 500 points when youre finished with all of them

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