
2 days ago, Georgia was the ONLY news story with predictions of Doom & Armageddon, today nothing?

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It didn't even make the headlines tonight.. does this show that the media does indeed make the news rather than reporting it?




  1. 1 day a big *** hole will rain down on the earth and **** on all of us and we will die

  2. Most news we hear is speculation rather than hard facts, sky news being the worst of them all.

  3. News is like Fashion

    It's dictated by the guys at the top, who decide whether the public would find it any interesting and buy their Newspaper, all they want is Sales/viewers

    Georgia is out of Fashion,

    The Olympics is "in", as they say,  

    Weird,  eh.... ah well

  4. Haven't you noticed - there's medals being won at the Olympics? Foreign wars are big news, but only if there's nothing else to write about.

  5. 'They're' getting woried about 'escalation' with the Russian nutters.

    So trying to keep the noise down.

  6. Today has seen non-stop developments in Georgia.Have you been asleep?

    Angela Merkal's statement and visit to Tbilisi.Russian president announcing Monday as withdraw day(don't laugh)

    2 more towns invaded by russian troops sunday

    Miss Rice flying to brussels to have emergency NATO meeting

    The German leader stating NATO resolve to have Ukraine and Georgia in the group.Next assessment on membership set for December

    Sarkosy having to telephone yet again the Lunatics in red square and threaten then with EU sanctions

    There's more....the media is still giving plenty of coverage

  7. The 'News', or reported 'news' makes me so angry sometimes. The amount of coverage given to a given story shows bias before they have even started.

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