
2 days late for my period?

by Guest65822  |  earlier

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I am usually on a very regular schedule with my periods. I an 28 days per cycle. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for over a year now with no luck.

I have posted on here 2 times before about being a few days late for my period and then I always got it...

so I'm not trying to get my hopes up... I'm posting here today because it will mean my period will come and I can stop hoping again.

I haven't tested, when should if it doesn't show?





  2. you may want to wait about 1 week then go to a DOCTOR. Home tests are a waste of money and can also provide you with false positives and negatives.

    Also, dont stress about getting pregnant because that can hold your period back. Just have intercourse with your husband but dont do it just to get pregnant do it to have fun and feel love etc. Remember that the more you stress the more of a possibility your period will be late.

  3. i would wait another two or three days before you test just to make sure it dosnt come just a little of schedule

  4. sometimes we are late for periods if we are close to getting pregnant but 2 days...i think all systems go...but remember don get your hopes too much...if it doesn't come after about 5 days well maybe you'll here the pitter pattering of tiny feet!

  5. OMG stop being soo silly 2 days is nothing usually if its 2 weeks theres a problem no one is always on time, its your body not an alarm

  6. 2 days late isn't much, so don't get too excited. Wait a few more days and then take another test.

    Hope God blesses you with a child. =D

  7. this maybe your month hun so give up why not test tomorrow morning with your first urine  without drink etc if its still BFN and period doesn't show re test in a week I'm really hoping you get that BFP tomorrow hun lots of baby dust sent your way and let us no xx

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