
2 days late on AF, pink spotting, neg HPT.. still hope?

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Me and my husband have been TTC for quite sometime now. About a week ago I experienced nausea and vomiting two days in a row. Every so often I have felt a bit light headed, dizzy and experiencing occasional moderate headaches. I have been getting a "twingy-pully" feeling in my lower abdomen for about 2 weeks. I'm about two days late for my AF and had one spot of light pink blood on TP this morning but then it stopped. I took a HPT test this morning and it came out negative. Is there any hope that I might be pregnant? I am praying for a miracle..

I have a very normal 27 day cycle and is practically never off target.

My last period was June 28th 08.




  1. It's possible to still be pregnant but you should try not to get your hopes up as hpt's are fairly accurate.

    You should wait another 3 days and if af still hasn't come then you should take an early detection pregnancy test and see teh result. If the test is still negative then you should wait a week and if no af try re-testing again.

    When testing ALWAYS use first morning urine weather your testing before a period or after. Testing first thing in the morning is the best time because it is the most concentrated urine.

  2. Everything is a possibility..... its best to ask your doctor for an examination and a blood test.

    all the best to you and your hubby!!


  3. Wait a few days.  If AF still hasn't arrived, take another HPT.  It's common to get a false negative if you take the test too early.  You'll get a more accurate result if you're 5 or more days late.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. Pink spotting can often mean implantation!  Maybe you ovulated later in the cycle than usual.  I would definitely test again.  Goodluck and baby dust to you!!!

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