
2 foot spin - 1 foot spin...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i can kind of do a two foot spin, (about 2 rotations) but I cant always do it. Iv been trying and trying but it still won't work. (iv been skating for 1 year)

Have you got any tips on how to improve it, or tips for easy ways to get going?




  1. the way to make your spin faster is make your push bigger. Have your feet about a foot apart and give a huge push with the inside edge of your right foot (assuming you spin counterclockwise, if you spin clockwise then use your left foot.) bring your feet together in that push and put almost all your weight on your left foot. With your arms have them out to the sides, then after the push, bring them in. This should increase your speed. Once you feel like you've mastered the two-foot, you can try a one-foot-spin.

    For a one-foot spin, go into it as if it were a two-foot. And once you've done about one revolution try lifting up your right foot so your toe is near the ankle of your right foot. (if you want to lift it less your first time, thats fine) You might feel a little wobbily the first few times, but thats fine. Make sure o concentrate all your weight on your left side during a one foot spin.

    Have fun skating!

  2. make sure you stand up straight when you push to start spinning and slowly bring your arms in...this gives you a faster spin

  3. get a coach!

  4. Make sure your back is straight and head held high.

    Start with your feet slightly apart and as you rotate your arms around for the spin then pull your feet together and find your CENTER  then pull your arms into your chest.  

    Finding your center is very important.

  5. Keep practicing. A good way to explain how to do it is to pretend that you are punching someone and then bring your arm in. That should help you spin faster. Also, you may check out lessons.

  6. try not doing a pivot, what i mean i don't stick ur toe pick in the ice to start. keep ur foot flat on the ground. it'll take a while to get used to this if u usually do it the other way. but push into a circle really hard. pull in ur arms tightly. whatever u do DONT LOOK DOWN you'll get really dizzy. don't bend forward or backwards stay straight! you could also try this spin by going in from bw crossovers but i don't reccomend it!

    good luck and have fun!!

  7. i found that pigeon-toeing my skates helped a bit, or having my right skate slightly forward of my left (assuming ur a CCW spinner..). dot bring your skates too close together as they might catch on each other..

    its important you get enough power to get a good spin, so when starting from two feet make sure you really pump around with your right foot. your arms should swing around as your right leg pumps and you should cross them on your chest.

    good things take time remember, so it should get better with practice :) do u do kiwiskate?... if so and you've passed the novice 1 badge you are allowed to get private lessons, which i found helped sooo much.

    Good Luck :) and Happy Skating!

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