
2 girls 1 cup video? worth watching?

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ok im 13... should i watch it? is it gross.. i hear it is.. lol.




  1. Sure if you don't mind throwing up!! Haha. I watched last thanksgiving. lol, yeah. Just go to

  2. Don't do it.

    watch a movie!


    Every movie you could ever possibly want to watch is there.

    annnddd seriously. Don't watch it. Oh wait you did already o_o


    you better get it over with now

  4. it is really gross..

    ridiculously disgusting.

    unless you're into watching

    disturbing stuff, then i guess

    take the risk and watch it.

  5. it will prolly drastically change your life...its about p**p okay? its about girls swallowing and tasting and chewing p**p in such a amazingly vomitrocious way.....dont watch it....dont...ur too young

  6. all it is is 2 lesbians eating p**p nd making out nd throwing up nd eating it....

  7. okay PLEASE DON'T WATCH IT!!!

    it will WARP YOUR MIND!

    i haven't watched it but from hearing

    and watching friend's reactions to it....

    omg just please don't.!

    and i bet all these answers telling u NOT to, will MAKE U

    want to watch it MORE. lol.

  8. It will take away your will to live.

    You won't be able to eat, or laugh, or even sleep.

    Because every time you close your eyes... Just like freddie kruger...

    There's a cup of poo, just waiting to strike.

    lol. Seriously though. It makes bad things happen to good people. *shudder*

  9. i contemplated suicide for a few hours afterward. don't do it. ever. you will die. i want to die at the thought of it...ohh goddd...

  10. first off unless your a L*****n you wouldn't get any enjoyment even from the naked girls. And NOO it is completely disgusting. Its not even amusing slightly.

  11. well if you're 13 i dont recommend you watch it, but chances are if you're that interested you'll go ahead and watch it anyway...but yeh it is gross

  12. Why would you want to? You know what it is right? Girls erotically eating f***s and vomiting it back up into each others mouths?

  13. oh my! you are much too small to soil your eyes with such nastiness. haha. believe me, it's pretty gross.

  14. no. its an 18+ video but i don't think any normal person(18 or not) was happy they watched it in heindsight.  

  15. watch it. do it.

  16. its nasty, I watched it and wish I hadnt though but I am legally an adult

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