
2 girls And A VeryConfused Boy?

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Hay, I'm just wondering what I should do. Ive just started at a new school, and am meeting new people every day. Well I'm just wondering what I should do as there are these 2 girls, who I have met and become good Friends with, and hopefully, still going to know both of them better and better. I think both may have feelings for me but I'm not 100% sure, however I don't think I want to have a gf at this age (15) because I know gf's at a young age just make guys go crazy and mess up the guys head lol. There both as beautiful as each other, and id say I'm about as close to them as each other. Yesterday I was talking with one and she asked if I wanted to go to the movies on saturday just as friends. I would like to as I want to be close with these girls. But I'm worried that if i go then the other one may find out and will like i don't know be disappointed in me? So yeah, wats ur suggestions, please don't say "ohh forget girls blah blah" Thanks




  1. You arent going out on a date. You are going as friends. You cant not go because you are scared what the girl might think. What if you are meant to go. Go, have fun!

  2. Ask the girl who asked you to the movies if you can invite another friend. if she was honest and she just intended it to be a "just friends" thing, then she wont have a problem that you invited someone else. then ask the other girl if she wants to hang out with you and some friends.  

  3. well, in the topic of "confused boy", i'm one of the girls who felt the same way of those girls of "yours". i can't say that i'm a love expert... all i can tell you is to think deeply, and listen to your feelings. love normally hurts, if there's a love triangle, (hmm...that's close to the problem your facing) the "confused one" really have to choose. you can't stay quite forever...or else, that "thing" will cause you a really big problem, after choosing, you really need to be honest at one of them if and why yopu doesn't like her... if you'll not do that, you'll end up hurting both of them. and they will start thinking "maybe, he's just playing games between us" if not "maybe he's just having fun of us for having feelings at him.... ". you better decide Quick. don't wait until they both ask you face-to-face. or else, you'll mess up things and crack your head. and about the girl who's asking you for watching movies with her, in opinion, you should accept her offer. and if something bad will happen, face it. that's all i can say. face everything and answer everything. come to think of it, are you going to choose or you'll end up hurting both of them......including yourself. your lucky you have them..... :-)

  4. why not just talk to the both of them and tell them that you want to be friends! as you are not ready for a girl friend yet. and see what they say because I am sure if they like you as a friend they will accept this and understand you just want to be close friends!

  5. ohh forget girls blah blah blah. d**n you read my mind. lol nah I don't know. I'm sure if you tell them both you just want to be friends then it could be cool.

  6. Can't the other girl go too?

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