
2. gutshot flush draw, 200bb, paired board AGAIN???

by  |  earlier

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Ummm... i clicked on the wrong button for my previous question, and instead of clicking add details, i clicked put question to vote... ahhhh. Anways, lets do this again. (lots of divided opinion). Heres the info if u havent read it.

Okay, lets say its a 1/2 game heads up, 400 deep. You are on the button. Its been very agressive and very loose. You guys are both opening around 75% of your hands on the button. Your oppenent defends his bb like 50% of the time, so he has quite a wide range. You have 5s7s. You raise to 6. Oppenent just calls. Flop comes out 9s6s6h. Oppenent checks, you bet 10, he c/rs to 35. Your oppenent has a very wide range here, from a boat, to air. However, if you 3-bet to like 100, and he 4-bets allin you are always behind (his range is now narrowed to boats,overpairs, and betterdraws) . However, you are sure your hand is good against MOST of your oppenents c/r range; just not his 4-bet push range.

Lots more stuff at the ADD. details.




  1. This isnt what you want to hear but you call a loose player with 5/7s. if that isnt your flop what were you looking for in the first place? If I am playing loose agressive players I play tight agressive, but i also buy in short until i get the feel of the table. In the Q above i would have played it agressive on the flop and if he flat calls you see another card, if he goes nuts, muck it and take another stab with a different hand. But now you need to answer a question for yourself, did you go to the card room to gamble or get pushed around? Its 200 bucks, its not life changing cash. make if agressor show the c**p hes been playing. If hes got the best hand then "thats poker" You are 33% on the flop to hit the flush and about the same on the straight. gamble. shove. then ship it. gl!

  2. I'm going to answer the same as I did in the other question.  You're playing way too many hands.  If you raise with 5-7, you're probably going to lose.  Even if you hit your flush, there's a good chance he has a higher flush since he's also a loose player and may be playing a flush draw.  You'll likely be safe if you hit your straight.  If he has a boat already, you're screwed.  If he hit top 2 pair or a set, it's still not a good idea to be betting that hard on a draw.

    Don't play rags, even if they are suited.  You're going to lose a lot more money than you win in the long run.

  3. let me first post my initial answer for everyone to see it:

    i think based on your description of the hand that this is a no-brainer 3-bet...considering that he has such a wide range here, you should know that you will be able to pick up this pot with a reraise most of the time, and if he does just call you will have control of the hand as well as position...even if you do get 4-bet here, the only hand you are really crippled against is a full house, and one of the full houses is out as we can safely assume he would re-raise with 9-9 pre-flop...i just don't think there's anything else to this, i would 3-bet it in hopes that he might just throw his hand away or maybe just call it and take the turn card, and if he shoves on us then we'd better be ready to gamble with the hand

    first of all, let me respond to chad's answer...when you are playing heads-up poker, almost any two cards are playable and you must have a wide range for button raises, and when you are playing cash games with that much money in play compared to the blinds, i would take my 7-5 suited any day of the week, especially against a player like you who only sees value in big pairs and big cards, and let you give me your whole stack by overplaying your overpair when i flop a big hand with "rags"..i would gladly welcome you to any table i'm at

    now for the question, this is one of those classic situations where you are drawing to a monster, but if you raise and get raised back you have to fold, and if you just call and miss the turn you will have to fold there...the easy play here would be to just call and take one more card off, but it is less profitable to me because you will end up losing the pot more than you win it, and when you win you will often only be able to win one extra re-raising right there on the flop, you will win the money that's there most of the time, and the times you do get pushed back you haven't lost that much...honestly i think it's very close, and maybe another player simply wouldn't be comfortable to make the semi-bluff here, but my personal playing style dictates that a re-raise is going to be in order here...and even so, as you say a full house is extremely rare, so if you take that into consideration you may end up putting in his whole stack anyway even if he does push on you because of the odds you will be getting from the pot

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