
2 guys in black pants /tie knocking on my door?

by  |  earlier

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once a month there are these 2 guys about 18 years old knocking on my door. They both wear black pants, white shirt, black tie, and each have a black backpack on.

What the heck??




  1. They are:

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses

    2. Selling something.

    I say keep your door locked and don't answer, unless you want to deal with them talking for ever and not listening to you say no I am not interested.

  2. Mormons much?? lol...  

  3. Mormon missionaries.....

  4. The men in black?

    Mormon missionaries?

    The land lord's goons?

  5. Answer the door and tell them not to come back or you will call the police.  

  6. My wife is a Mormon and every answer is correct.  They are Mormons.

  7. That sounds like the common attire of Mormons.  They typically travel in twos, sometimes on bikes, or if they can get a ride from another church member, they take that as well.  They will normally not be from the area, as I had a couple come to me that were from Minnesota and Las Vegas.  

  8. they are jehovah's witnesses or mormons. probably mormon. tell them that you're the anti-christ and practice black magic and they wont knock on your door again.

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