1..The table shows currency rates for various countries on March 31, 2003. To find the amount of foreign currency equivalent to an amount of currency from country A, Multiply the amount from country A by the exchange rate listed on the table.
How many units of currency from country G are equivalent to 332 units from country A?
This is what my table shows:
Foreign currency Exchange rates
Country Exchange rate
Country B 0.9174
Country C 1.6543
Country D 0.6333
Country E 1.4695
Country F 96.97
Country G 118.0700
Here's another part one like it.
2. To find the amount of foreign currency equivalent to an amount of currency from Country A, Multiply the amount from country A by the exchage rate listed in the table.
Here's the table:
Country B 1.3974
Country C 1.1967
Country D 104.950
Country E 115.7
Country F 0.9406
Country G 8.0095
plz give answers!