
2 large veins top of p***s

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Are the 2 large veins that supply the ejaculation suppose to be visible all the time? I dont know if this is something new or I am first noticing it, but I see and feel them all the time even when it is flacid




  1. those are for blood not ejaculation

  2. Yes it is normal for those veins to show

  3.   It is natural to see the veins in the skin of your p***s. A white man can have translucent p***s skin. Veins can also be apparent in f******n.  Some men have really pronounced veins that lead up through the f******n.  Perhaps they restict the flow of blood temorarily or use a pump, but that can be very dangerous to use on such a delicate private part.  Another reason why an adult male should never have circumcision.  

  4. its fine. no worries most men have them...

  5. Your ejaculate doesn't come from your veins.  Veins supply blood to your p***s (actually, technically, arteries supply blood and veins take blood carrying waste-filled, "used" red blood cells back to your lungs...but that's splitting hairs.)

    All the fluid that you ejaculate comes from a series of tubes found within your body cavity.  They lead from your testicles up into your body around your bladder, then join up with your urethra, which runs through the middle of your p***s.  

    The veins you see are supplying blood, and it's normal to be able to see them.

  6. Relax, all men have them.  They are supplying you p***s with blood at all times.

  7. i have two thick veins on mine that are always protruding, one on each side, so i guess it's normal

  8. Well, if you couldn't see them you might lose circulation in your p***s and never get it up, so yes, its normal.

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