
2 miles in 20 minutes?

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I really want to play volleyball this year for my school, but in order to make the team I have to be able to run 2 miles in 20 minutes. Right now I can run 1 mile in 11 minutes. What can I do to be able to run2 in 20 minutes within a month?




  1. Yes, to be honest if you have a whole month, cutting off a coupl of minutes should be easy to cope with. If you havent already try to find a natural rythem, and find your running percentages - in other words know when you are running at 50% of your potential and so on, so if you feel you are lagging a bit you can mentally stimulate yourself to run at say 80% of your potential.

    Good Luck, theres no reason why you shouldnt be picked for the team!

    J. x

  2. Try to run everyday or every other day. Try running between 1 and 3 miles each time. It will become a lot easier for you if you stick with it. :) also eat healthy and stretch!

  3. run 3 miles every day. eventually ull be getting better and better at the 3mi and then u can do 2mi even better. good luck :-)

  4. Just keep on running. 10 min. pace isn't very fast for 2 miles so just run 2 miles everyday and eventually you'll be able to do it. Good Luck!

  5. Make it a routine.

    Every day run the same 2 mile route, and your time will eventually be good enough. :)

    Good luck!

  6. your slow

  7. Like others said, run.  But not only should you run 2 miles, toss in (only a couple days a week) longer runs.  Maybe eventually you can build up to 4 or 5 miles.  These will help your endurance as well as your confidence as you know that you can do 5 miles so 2 isnt so bad

  8. just keep running the 2miles over and over again. eventually u will be able to do it in 20mins easily.
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