
2 million people moved out of New Orleans, and more will from Florida, where will they go??

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i assume they will just go back home. just a guess.




  1. do you men during the hurricane or after?

    Answer mine?

  2. With any luck, most will be able to go back home fairly soon.  In recent years, those who have moved permanently from New Orleans have mostly settled in eastern Texas.

  3. First, they didn't "move" from New Orleans, they evacuated because of Hurricane Gustav.

    Second, of course they will come home. Why wouldn't they?

  4. i wish we could get some hurricane love in southern california.  there are a few "groups" of people that are very densely populated here.

  5. Hopefully not Houston Again

  6. Almost everyone who evacuated due to Gustav went somewhere within 400 miles of the city. Many are in hotels, others are staying with friends or relatives, and a few are in shelters.

  7. The majority of people that evacuated did just that, leave temporarily. I'm sure some families are considering relocating due to the shear factor of safety. The people moved inward and out of the way of the storm Central/Northern MS, Memphis, TN, Eastern TX, Southern AR. The highways were bumper to bumper East and West out of NOLA so people were encouraged to move North.  

  8. probably up in the central states

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