
2 missed periods ----?

by  |  earlier

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The last time I skipped two periods was over 2 years ago. Maybe it's just my body. I've gotten about 6 BFN's & 1 veeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry faint BFP. As of today, I've had these symptoms: constipation, cramping, headaches, no appetite somedays [other days, I'm not hungry, yet I want to eat], back pain, stomach aches, tingling feelings in my hips & legs, nausea, heartburn, gassy, always thirsty, bloating, cravings, uhmm, what am i missing? idk. all of these symptoms have occurred in moderation. oh & usually from OV to the end of my period, my BBs are sore. These past two [MISSED] periods, I haven't had any soreness.

Now, I haven't really been thinking about pregnancy bc I got those BFN's. Just simply taking note of the symptoms I'm having.

Anyone ever experience this or going thru this now? If so, what was your outcome [if you've gone thru this] or how are you feeling [if you're going thru it now]?





  1. From what I've heard, even the slightest faint positive is still a positive. If the positive line showed up within the correct time frame, chances are you might be pregnant. My advice is to take another test using your first morning's urine. Maybe you should try one of those digital tests, which give you a "Pregnant/Not Pregnant" or "Yes/No" reading, so this way you won't have to decipher the lines!

    Best of luck! :D

  2. pregnant!

  3. I think I read this same question earlier...Your body is just out of wack right now. Ive done that where I've skipped 2 periods here and there and not been pregnant..Go get a blood test that will tell you for sure.  
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