
2 month old baby....?

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My little girl is two months old, and I have a few questions

1) How long and how much did your little one weigh at 2 months? Mine is 11.10lbs, and 22 1/2 inches long

2) How much tummy time you are using

3) How to encourage them to do things, like cooing, and trying to flip over from stomach to back.

4)What was your favorite thing they did at 2 months old (Mine is being in awe of me talking to her, no matter what it is!)

5)Did you use a crib bumper and what kind did you use?

6) How often did you call your doctor? (I call about 2 times a week lol)





  1. Well mine was a big one, she was 9 pounds 3 at birth and 22 inches long...but I am tall so thats probbaly why. SHe is 5 months now and she in on her tummy for maybe one hour a day if I add it all up..but she can almost sit now. As for encouraging her to flip..I dont...they just do it when they are strong enough and ready. I talk to her all the time...about what I am changing nappies or showing her things..I tell her the names of everything we, colours, annimals. I have some baby books for her which are just pictures. I dont use a bumper. I dont call the doc as this is my second and I kind of know where I am a bit more. Good luck!

  2. i have a girl also well 2 really but anyway my 2 month old is gisele

    1) i think between 11 and 12 lbs prob the same in length our doc appt is on mon

    2) we dont do a lot of tummy time because she hates it and always spits up i do let her lay on my chest while i lay until she crys--- she is very picky

    3)we talk a lot to her and then stop and give her a chance she has really started cooing and smiling now

    4)i love the fact that she wants me more then anyone else

    5)no as she sleeps in our bed lol most of the time due to all the crying had one with my first

    6) i've only had to call for my test results with this one but with my first well lets put it this way they know my voice on the phone lol

  3. my son was about 10.5 lbs at 2 months and 22 inches he didnt really enjoy to much tummy time till he was about 3 months old the only way  to really encourage him was to coo at him and make silly noises he started rolling over at about 3 months my favorite thing he would do at 2 months is just look at me like i was the only one i always usded bumbers i still use them now at 8 months old he rolls so much in his sleep and not only that i'm scared hes going to stick his little arm in the rails at night and try to turn over or something and hurt himself

    i didnt really call the doctor too much only a coulple of time i think  

  4. 1. She was 12 pounds and 24 inches long

    2. She hated tummy time, maybe ten minutes a day.

    3. You lead by example.

    4. Emma loved to lay under her crib gym and she was rolling.

    5. We used a regular old crib bumper

    6. Never

  5. 1. 12 pounds 23 inches (were pretty close)

    2. I did about 3 hours of tummy time a day, as much as I could get in cuz that's really important

    3. I'd always talk to my baby and that seemed like encouragement enough for her to coo back. And doing physical things, I let her figure that out at her own pace

    4. eye contact while feeding. good bonding

    5. I used a soft cotton crib bumper that went around the whole crib and had knot ties so it wouldn't fall off and onto the baby

    6. I called the doctor maybe once every two weeks

    good luck! dont worry! i'm sure your a good mommy!
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