
2 month old bit by fire ants...????

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My 2 month old son got bit by fire ants [[my mother in law we think has an infestation]]

Is there anything I can put on the bites??





  2. Over the counter Benadryl cream will help with swelling and itching. Some antibacterial ointments have an antiseptic that will help with pain. If all else fails, check with the pharmacist at your local pharmacy.

    Good luck, I hope he's better soon! :(

  3. mmm neosporin with the pain killer thats in the ointment, its just a topical pain relief. have you brought him to the doctor? i would take him to the ER just to make sure he doesnt have an allergic reaction

  4. if its not that bad , put antiseptic on the bites. If its real bad , go to the Doctor . Rinse with cool water first .

    And tell the mother in law to get a ***** exterminator .

  5. oh my gosh.. that has to be terrible..

    call your doctor to see what is safe to put on babies.

    good luck!

  6. How many bites? Call Poison Control- 1800-222-1222. Fire ant venom contains a chemical called piperidine

  7. My mom had bought this stuff for my nieces called after bite the tube is white and the word's are written in primary colors in a childish font. It helps the burning and itching and what not. But if you cannot find that try just some regular cortisone cream.  Your baby is still young to where you souldn't have to worry about him wiping it with his hand then sucking on his hand but still keep an eye on him not that it would do him much of anything it is always better to be cautious.  Best of luck!  

  8. Ask your doctor.  There's a chance he could have an allergic reaction.  (To a medication, or the bites themselves.)  So, consult him for advice.

  9. Ouch, keep an eye on him, because fire ants have killed infants before. The body of an infant is not as massive, and cannot take as much venom from fire ant stings as a kid or grown adult.

    However in the mean time, I'd reccomend you at least call the hospital and speak to a nurse about it. But you may try some aloe vera or lotion.

    I would NOT suggest giving him and adult benadryl (Diphenhydramine), unless the nurse says so because I don't know the dose for an infant, and usually doses for infants are based on KG of wieght, and not so much a standard dose like adults and older children.

    Other then that, soothing creams or lotions may be your best thing, but nothing is really going to take away the pain except time.

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