
2 month old not reaching or grabbing things?

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My 2 month old isnt reaching or grabbing for things yet, is this normal?

Also she isnt really rolling from her side yet, she use to when she was first born but not anymore.

Anything I can do to help, and should I be concerened?




  1. My 10 week old doesn't really 'grab' things.  He randomly flails his hands around and if they run into something his grab reflex kicks in, and he holds it.  It is a huge step on the road to becoming human to recognize that your own body is under your control and that you can reach for things.  He doesn't roll over yet either - but I rarely leave him lying alone long enough for him to be motivated to roll over - I'd say, if she is starting to hold her head up on his own, does mini push-ups during tummy time, and coos at you then you are doing just fine.  If you are worried, you could try putting some wrist rattles on her and seeing what she does.  Might surprise you.

  2. ill bet she starts grabbing things or atleast batting at them by 3 months, rolling over probaby by 4 months. I wouldn't worry too much. she will do it when she's ready.  

  3. Grabbing is more of a 4-6 month milestone.

    And as for rolling over 2-4 months is when a lot of infant reflexes go away (which is good as they inhibit learning new skills).  So while a baby can crawl up to moms breast right after being born some 3-4 month olds can't -or only go backwards or whatever.  Same for rolling.

  4. Completely normal. My daughter just started to grab at things and roll over from her tummy to back perfectly.  She used to roll both ways beginning of 2 months, then she stopped, now shes a pro.

    Just keep showing her toys that she can easily grab onto, or put a small rattle in her hands and see how she reacts, she may look at it and shake it, thats a good start. Good Luck :)

  5. NOOOO, my son started grabbing for things closer to 3 months old.  Rolling from side to side, not until 4-5 months.  No worries, mama.

  6. She's too young to this kind of stuff.

    Check out this site to see what to expect when:

    Good luck

  7. Give your little Angel time to grow, She will respond in her own time and if you are interacting with her a lot you will see it soon.

    If you are truly worried tell the Pediatrician or your Dr. next time you are there of your concerns. I am sure you are just being overanxious and baby is fine.

  8. Not to be concerned all babies grow at their own rate.  My baby is now 4 months a just learned to roll over and starting grabbing things at 3 months old.  Don't rush it, it will come to her when she is ready.

  9. Definitely NOT something to be concerned about. My son is 14 weeks and just barely grabbing and reaching for things. I place toys in his hand so he can "learn" how to grasp things and have been doing so for weeks. He also learned to roll over a while ago and hasn't done it since. "What to Expect the First Year" has many of then things babies are doing during that month. I like to base my son's progress on their info (but not to strictly). Good luck with your daughter!

  10. Don't worry my little girl is two and a half months old and she hasn't started reaching for things either. She will hold things when I put them in her hands but that's about it. Her doc said not to worry and that she was right on track.  

  11. Don't be concerned.  My son still isn't reaching, grabbing or rolling and he's 3 months old.

  12. don't worry! relax, not all children develop at the same rate... she's fine play with her every day and put her in those baby gyms so she can watch the toys and eventually she'll try to grab one..

  13. No reason to be concerned...all children grow at different paces.  Mention it to your Dr at her next appt.

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