My little Abby is 2 months, going on three months. She's been keeping me up all night for some time which I know is typical but she was adjusting herself until this dark cloudy weather came. For the last 3 nights she has had her days and nights mixed up severely. Today though, she slept the day away but she is also sleeping the night away! I find myself checking up on her every hour to see if she's alright. At this point should a baby be so tired? Is she adjusting herself again?
I don't know. She has either stayed up during the night and slept during the day or vice versa, but she's never continually slept like this. We don't see her pediatrician for another month and a half still. Does it sound like something I should get checked out?
Note: She is breastfed and she's eating fine still. In fact, that's mostly the only time she'll wake up. I don't put any kind of time limit on her feeding either.