
2 months late, 2 bfn a month ago?

by  |  earlier

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hello ladies, i'm kinda new here, i actually belong to the nov. 2007 board, but the weirdest thing is hapenning to me i thought i'll share it with you, so i could get some advice: we had a baby in nov 07, whom i'm currently breastfeeding, we werent really planning on having two babies together, so on april 2 i started on the mini pill. got my period around april 7, but i was late for my next cycle. even though i was on birth control, i tested anyway, cause i was having nauseas and vomiting. i tested with a publix (grocery store brand) test on may 24 and 29 and i got bfn, so i thought i'll wait for my next period to see if AF comes.... well i'm currently waiting and still no sign of it. i dont know what to think anymore, i'm extremely tired, which was one of the first signs of my last pregnancy, but im a new mom, and new moms are always tired lol... also, my nipples are extra sensitive, cause is getting painful everytime i nurse my baby (btw he's not teething yet), and last week i had some period like cramps, that i also had around my 6 week of pregnancy with my baby.... i'm going to see my dr tomorrow, but in the meantime i could really use some advice, this never happen to me before (?).... sorry if the post was long.... good luck to all of u!!




  1. what is bfn and af? I would go and buy the ept pregnancy test. If it is positive congrats!!!

  2. wow... I know that the odds of getting pregnant while nursing are slim, it can be done. You do have the symptoms though!  your hormones may just me out of wak from nursing a BC.

    I didnt get my period for the whole 14 months I nursed my son! Good luck at that appt!.

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