
2 months of tennis group/private lessons enough for a freshmen to get to varsity tennis??

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i have taken about 8ish group tennis lessons and 3-4 private tennis lessons at my clinic. its a shame only about 5 people at my clinic actually plays tennis..feel bad for the pro that work there....anyways..i have the wilson kzen and just have no control becasue the raqcuet is strong ( lux 57 wit wilson nxt 17 tour 58). the ball on my forehand is not really controling but my one handed back hand is OKAY for now. my footwork is a complete Federer bad copy. btw should i buy a second copy of my raqcuet to play on the team??

HAS anyone tried out varsity and JV both at the same time???? or tried to play for varsity and didnt make it and play on JV.?

QUICK question!!!!!!!!!!! is there going to be official people refing the match (umpire, and people that call the ball out) who is the ball boy??? i want to know if the players take turn using a court or there are 4 games going on for normal High school tennis match




  1. this all depends on how good your varsity team is.

    if you happen to make varsity and play every single day, then i would probably buy another racquet.

    as for trying out, i know at my school people just try out for varsity and if they dont make it they play JV or get cut all together.

    and there will most likely not be any umpires and there will definitely not be any ball boys. all the courts will generally be in use during a high school match

  2. it all depends on the team. i've coached several people before to make varsity while one didn't make the team bc their school's team was super strong.

    you should buy a new racket, if you plan on playing for the team, another one of the same kid. you always want to have 2 or more rackets for the same version because if you break a string, you'll have to use the other racket. not all rackets weigh and feel the same and you don't want to s***w up your game and rhythm - so buy the same racket.

    i've had players try out for varsity and not make it. the usually end up on the higher end of the JV team. it's basically if you aren't top 10, you don't make varsity. if someone in varsity gets hurt, you get moved up. or during the season, you can challenge someone in varsity to take their place if you beat them.

    usually, there are no referee. depends on how rich your school is and how rich the school you're playing though. you don't get referees until you make it to city, state or whatever your last match is.

    you don't get ballboys

    if there aren't enough courts, players take turns using the court. usually, the top lineup plays first. then when they are done, the people next in line starts filling in as people leave the court.

  3. "so you wanna be a thug superstar?"

  4. You try out for the team. Then you play people on the team and the top 6 in girls and top 6 in boys. The only time you have umpires and ball boys is in pro tournaments.  It depends on how many courts your school has to play on. My school has five and we finish our match and then someone else plays. Varsity plays first and when all varsity gets done the higher JV play if there are extra people or if someone will play twice. Age doesn't matter, i was varsity in the 8th grade. It just depends on how good you are and how many people you can beat out.

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