
2 new pet rats, how long is it til i can hold them properly without trying to wriggle out my hands???

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they`ve been with me now for a week and half feeding them outa my hands isnt a problem along with stroking them its just when i pick them up they wana get straight back in the cage!!!




  1. Depends on the rat. Whenever I get a new rat, I let them come in & out of their cage at their own will, and climb all over me to investigate. I'll pet them, but will not pick them up right away. Once they've overcome any fear of me they may have, I scoop them up with both hands, and bring them to my chest for petting.

    **To be done in an enclosed, rat-proof room. I use the bathroom**

    Do this while sitting, in case they want back onto the ground and are not ready to be picked up.

    I just got a new male rat 3-4 weeks ago, and he's still a little squirmy, but he's OK with being held. He's no longer afraid, but he's a youngster, and would rather run around. :)

    Edit: A lot of rats will run back to their cage, if they see it and are scared. This is why I allow them to come in/out of the cage on their own terms, so they build courage when outside of the cage. :)

  2. It takes a while. Make sure that you are holding your rats so they feel secure and not be afraid of falling. Rats aren't the type of pet that want to be cuddled and nestled up in someone's hands. They're very playful and much prefer to be running around and playing with toys or sitting on your shoulder/back.

  3. I'd let your rats come out to you.  Pick a small, rat-proofed (no small holes they can escape from, no dangerous things they can eat/chew) room like a bathroom to put the cage in.  Let your rats come out on their own terms.  You can help convince them with tasty treats; I like to use frozen peas.  Even then, they'll probably start out grabbing the peas/treats from outside and then dashing back into their cage.  The cage feels safe to them, and they will still be nervous about being out of it in the beginning.

    Even once they get used to you, depending on your rats' personalities they may never really just sit nicely in your hands.  My two girl rats who are both almost 2 years old, don't really like being held.  I can take them out, but they rather crawl around and explore than be held.  They do come out of their cage by themselves and walk around and on me, but they just don't like being still.  This can be more a characteristic of female rats than males though.

    It's just going to take time and patience for your little guys to get used to you.

    Hope that helps!

  4. You just have to be patient and give them time to get used to you.  My two rats are still a little bit skittish about being picked up and if I stand right next to their cage after I've picked them up, they seem to want to go back in, but if I walk away with them they are fine and want to go exploring and sniffing.  Make sure when you pick them up that you are not letting their bag legs dangle...they dont like that and will start to struggle.

  5. just keep holding them and they will get used to you

  6. don't worry they'll get used to you (:

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