
2 parakeets or 1?

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I'm getting a parakeet for my daughter. She's 10 years old. She will have help from her neighbors (7 and 9). Are they old enough to take care of a parakeet themselves?

My daughter going to school this fall, so should she get 2 parakeets or 1?




  1. If your daughter is wanting a bird that she can interact with, then i would suggest 1. If you get two, they will get too attached with eachother and ignore your daughter. If your daughter is willing to spend time with the budgie, I will only get 1, because if she doesn't then the bird will get lonely. 1 bird will also not make that much of a mess and eat that much food than 2 birds will.

  2. I say get 1 untill she shows you that her and her friends can handle it and wont make a mess. Hope i helped :)

  3. A 7 and 9 pear old might not fully understand the responsibilites have owning and caring for a small creature such as a bird.

    If you think they are mature and are ablee to handle it, then yes, I would consider getting one. Now, getting two means double the work and double the mess. They will keep each other company, but each other them will require attention.

  4. Get two so the parakeet will always have someone there.  Make sure to get a little bird bath and some toys (preferably with mirrors... they love mirrors... little vain guys!! hehe).

    You're daughter is old enough to have birds but you should supervise and make sure that the bird is being cared for.  There is a lot to be done.

    The water needs to be changed daily, the bottom of the cage needs to be cleaned weekly, the whole cage should be wiped down at least monthly.  Plus fresh fruit and veggies should be given about once a week, new bird mix everyday.  Their nails also need to be trimmed on a regular basis (the vet or pet store will do this for you if you want). Also, the birds should have time out side of the cage for at least 30 minutes each day.  It's a great chance to teach your daughter about empathy.  Teach her to treat the bird the way she would want to be treated if she were a bird and ask her how she thinks the bird is feeling.  

    If you let your daughter get the birds you need to check in on the bird at least once a day to make sure everything is going alright.  Also teach you're daughter how to hold a bird and get her a bird book so she can learn more.

  5. I would say 2,  to keep the other company, and it would also be fun for her to see how they interact

  6. I think they are probably old enough, but the question of 1 or 2 brings up an interesting point;  Parakeets aren't the BEST mimics out there but they can pick up and repeat words and short phrases from humans.  there is no controlling what they choose to "say" if they do mimic you, but a sure-fire way to be sure your parakeet doesn't have much interest in repeating human speech is to have 2 or more.  If they can converse in their own "language" parakeets are far less likely to feel the need to try to vocally communicate with their humans.  If you want to try to get the bird to "speak" stick with just one, but if that's not important, then they can be a little happier with a companion.  If you want a talker and the kids pay enough attention to the bird, then 1 is great.

  7. Yes they are old enough to feed and water the birds but please don't break their hearts trying to find HAND TAMED parakeets for them, and please teach them not to try and touch the birds with their hands either, so they don't get their feelings hurt or bitten. Use your own common sense and find a breeder who hand feeds theirs in your area and go buy them one already hand tamed so they can handle it if this is your intentions, otherwise you are going to buy some birds the kids want to handle but won't ever get to. And that alone will force them to lose interest in the birds.

    1 if you find a hand tamed one and 2 if you can't find a hand tamed one.

  8. Old enough would be for you to decide since we can't tell if she is mature or absentminded for her age. Birds just need water and food, very low maintenance.

    I would go with one if you want the bird to learn to talk, if they have another bird with them it makes it so they don't learn as easily, mirrors also have this same effect.

  9. if u get 2 thats doubble the ammount of a mess , doubble the bird c**p and doubble the money . but if ur daughter isnt gonna really spend time with it get 2 so they can keep eachother entertained. and they're not old enough i would say. They're to much of a responsibility. You have to clip their nails and wings. also changeing their water everyday, and cleanin the cage about 3 times a week.
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