
2 part Golf rule question?

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1. If I swing and skull my drive off the tee and it only goes 2 feet, do I play it from there as my second shot or re-tee it up and count it as my 3rd shot?

2. I drive my ball and it lands on a man made divot in the fairway where someone ripped off a chunck of grass from a swing, may I move it or do I have to play it from there? Does the same rule apply on the green?

Plese help me and my friend play for money and we want to get the final score right.




  1. 1.  Either option is correct.  You can play it as it lies, or go back to where you originally played from and hit again under penalty of 1 stroke.  Since the shot was teed up, you can re-tee again if you choose this option.

    You can claim an unplayable lie at any time, from anywhere on the course, and go back to where the original shot was played.  Last season CBS showed an example with Gary McCord where he missed a short putt that rolled down off the green and down a false front to some 30 yards away.  Instead of pitching it back on the green, he said according to the rules he could replace it where the putt was originally played, take one penalty stroke, and this time he made the putt.  Sometimes the rules can be to your advantage.

    2.  If it is a man made divot, you would have to play it as it lies, or take an unplayable lie penalty.  This rule applies to the green as well, unless it has been marked by the course as ground under repair, then you would get a free drop.

  2. Situation 1:  Play it as it lies for your sencond shot.  If you want to re-tee it, you can declare the ball unplayable and replay the shot as your third.

    Situation 2:  Divots in the fairway are part of the gam, you have to play it from there.  You could declare it unplayable, drop 2 clublengths from your nearest point of relief, and take a two-stroke penalty.  If there is a divot on the green, first, go find out who did it and beat the h**l out of them.  Then, check to see if that area of the green is considered ground under repair.  If it is, you can find the nearest point of relief on the green that is equidistant from the hole as you previous spot, and putt from there with no penalty.  Otherwise you ave to putt through the bad spot on the green if it is not GUR.

  3. 1.  Play it from where it lies, there are no mulligans, or re-tees in golf if you play by the rules.

    2.  Play it as it lies, it's bad luck, but if your ball lands in a divot, you are not allowed to move it.  This does not apply if you are on the green.  If you are on the green you are permitted to mark your ball, pick it up, and repair the ball mark or divot in question.

  4. 1.  Many people play with mulligan on the 1st tee or the 1st and 10th tee.  If you still a beginner just re-tee, don't count the first shot you still learning and not competeing yet, and kee p your head down this time.  

    2.  If it is man-made and not part of the course (ie. Power lines, Power poles, Divots, etc...) take a rehit and miss it this time.  Same on green for divots, but not for pine needles and such its your job not to move these before you putt.

  5. Either for ur first question..both those stiuations are in the rules

    Unfotunataly you always have to play the ball as it lies or take an unplayable where you can move itbak with a penalty of 1 stroke

  6. ALWAYS play it where it lays... Filling a divot is etiquette that someone else obviously doesn't know about. Also, any swing you take towards the ball no matter hitting it or not counts as a stroke (unless it is an obvious practice swing when you are standing away from the ball).

  7. same answer for both questions: play it as it lies

  8. Play it where it lies always.  (2) Man made obstructions are cart paths, construction on the course etc.  If you hit into/onto one of these man made obstructions then you are allowed a free drop.  But, if you're not playing for money, in a tournament or on the tour then why worry so much about it.

    I never hit my ball out when there are rocks, roots or anything else that can ruin my clubs.  I paid to much for them and don't have the money to replace them.

  9. I agree with the others.

    1.  You play it as your 2nd shot.

    2.  Play it as it lies.  This happens fairly often on the PGA tour and the commentators usually pick up on it and mention it.

  10. Simply put, you have to play the ball where it lies in both situations. I would also recommend buying a copy of the Rules of Golf from your friendly pro shop.  It costs about $2.00.

  11. In both places you must play it as it lies. The only relief you are allowed to take is from man made obstacles (Sprinkler heads, Cart paths). The same rule does apply on the green. You must play it as it lies. If the ball is definately in play, like your drive in the tee box, it is actually an additional penalty to tee off again. You would be playing stroke four from two feet in front of the tee, if you tee off again.

    The exception to this rule is the provisional ball. The provisional is only if you are unsure if the first ball is in or out. If you find the ball in bounds, even if it is in an unplayable lie, you must play it. You may have to take a one stroke unplayable lie penalty if you have to move it to swing

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