
2 peronas in a 10 gallon tank?

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i wanna get 2 pet red belly peronas , is a 10 gallion tank to small??? and how often do i have to feed and how much?




  1. Yes, that tank is WAY to small. Any members of the pirahana, or similiar fish (like red belly pacus) get VERY large. Red belly pirahnas need at least a 55 gallon tank for 3 or 4. Pacus need at least a 120 gallon tank, but even that tank gets too small for them

  2. To small, your going to need at least 75 - 100 for two, and they start out eating minnows, now the eat gold fish.  They eat about 12 good sized gold fish each, every 3 days.

  3. depending on where you live. piranna is illegal to posess unless you have a permit.. look into that before you spend all that money

  4. Red bellied piranha are schooling fish.  You'd need at least at 3 in order for the fish to thrive with 5 or more being ideal.  A 10 gallon tank is far too small.  You need nothing smaller than a 125 gallon tank for piranha.  Also, you need heavy filtration for these fish.  Piranha do best on a diet of raw chicken, beefheart (defatted) and **rarely** live fish.  Pinky or hopper mice can be offered occasionally.

  5. yes a 10 gallon is WAY too small. They actually get kinda big and will outgrow a 10g fast. not to mention they are messy eaters, and the water parameters in a 10g will be out of whack in no time.   Ive heard of them busting through the tank glass also, creating a nice wet mess of broken tank all over your floor. Please research how to care for pirahnas before you even consider purchasing one.

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