
2 pregnant guinea pigs?

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help i have 2very young heavily pregnant guinea pigs (bought them from a pet store) Problem 1-you are not suposed to get them pregnant so young.2- a guinea pig going into labour can cause another female to go into labour prematurely which is the main problem because i can borrow another cage off my mate but they would hate being seperated and would cause them stress(they squeek when i only take one out the cage and follow eachother everywhere).3- i do not yet have a big enough cage (i am keeping every single female and my friend keeping every single boy) , i am going to make a 10x2 C&C cage but it is really hard and expensive in Scotland !!! HELP ! (experienced people only because the people who think guinea pigs eat babies just make me laugh :L)




  1. Just to correct something before I go on...once the babies are born, any males need to be seperated no later than 21 days.

    Great job planning such a big C&C cage. Once thing you will need to do is babyproof it. Babies will be able to fit through the grid openings. You can do this a couple of ways.

    1. You can make your sides higher and then cut them down later.

    2. Take extra coroplast and line the sides of teh cage so they higher. Then you just remove them when the babies are bigger.

    3. Double up the grids, staggerign them so the openings are not so big.

    You can keep the mothers together. They other pig will be a good auntie. Keep feeding veggies to your pigs. Lay off fruits as they are higher in sugar. The new mom and babies will need either alfalfa hay or pellets.

    Make sure you have found a cavy savy vet ahead of time. That way if anything should go wrong, you already know who to call. Not all vets are good with piggies. Look here to find one:

    Good luck.

  2. hi there!!!!! your guinea pigs are fine in the same cage!!!!! we have to guinea pigs in the same cage and they were pregnant 1 of gave birth aweek ago and the second 1 gave birth 2 days ago the first one had1 and the second had 4 and they both look after them all and feed them!!! u have to s*x them b4 they are 4 weeks old and take the males out or they eill mate there mum!!!! good luck wif them!!!

  3. Baby piggies are very cute, I'm sure you'll be a great owner. =)

    It's nice to see somebody that actually cares about their pigs, and you've obviously done a bit of research.

    They probably were in the same litter, am I correct? In the same cage at the pet store? This also means that they probably got pregnant around the same time, so even if one goes into labour and sends the other one into labour prematurely, it will probably be only a day or two early, which shouldn't be too dangerous.

    Make that cage as soon as you can!! Baby pigs are born completely mobile, and will be running around in no more than 2 days. The absolute /best/ thing you could do is make the C&C before they give birth, then seperate them with a divider down the middle of the cage. That way they can steal smell/talk to each other, but there's a small chance it will prevent the second sow from a premature birth.

    If your piggies were bought from a pet store, there is a very good chance they have mites. Now, mites are not /usually/ life threatening in small cases, but they can be very dangerous in pups. Treatment is very easy and inexpensive! See for the symptoms and different treatment options. If your girls DO have mites, I'd suggest treating them as soon as you possibly can, because mange is very painful.

    Good luck with the births, I hope there aren't any complications!

  4. do you know exactly how old they are? do not feed them any fruits or veggies, this will cut down on the babies weight. it will not kill them, just cut down on their weight so it won't result in death of the young motheres. if you put your finger right above their "private" and it feels like putting your finger between your knuckles, that means it will happen within a few days. if you feel that on either one, seperate it from the other so one doesn' thave premature birth like you were saying. if you absolutely don't have any decent cage for them try putting it in a box a few days before the birth. put holes in the box so it has plenty of ventalation. if they both have seperated pelvic bones, then it's probably fine to leave them together because if they're both about ready then the prematurity can't be too bad. since they're young they may not be experienced. babies are born in a sac. if they do not nip the sac, the baby will die. try to be around when they give birth. if they don't nip the sac, you'll have to take the baby out of the anmiotic sac. for any other info go to: has everything you need to know about the birthing process. hope that helps :) and lol you're right people who think they eat their young are hillarious!

  5. Here

    Do feed veggies and fruit. It is good for them.

  6. I live in Scotland and i used to breed Guinea pigs in a shed in the back Garden.  What i did was keep a little herd of 4 sows to 1 bore. (not in cages free to run the shed floor)  I only had one case of Premature labour cased by another sow giving birth (they where sisters) it wasn't bad some did need to be hand reared cause they hadn't developed properly but they all made it to adult hood and lived at around 9/10 years old

    Some Guinea pig males get jealous of the young and attack them once they are born.  Look out for signs of this or even better remove the male in to a cage before the due date.  

    now i only have a pair of Guinea pigs left and she keeps giving birth to still born young it's a shame.

    make sure your cage has a lid beacuse babys love to climb up the wire.

    I had a baby male that kept climbing in to the same pen as his father.

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