
2 questions about newborn and breastmilk???

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My baby is 4 days old and my milk finally came in today. I fed him at 4:00 pm today and it is now 8:15. I can't get him to eat. He just sleeps i tried waking him by chaning his diaper, tickling him all that stuff. He just wants to sleep! all the time! Do you think i should be concerned about him eating or do you think he is full sense he got real milk today? Also i took him for a walk today in his stroller it wasn't real hot but some lady told me to wait 2 weeks to take him out of the house. I think that is crazy, fresh air is good for him. Let me know. Thanks




  1. Breastfed newborns should be fed every 2-3 hours. Try taking off all of his clothes except for the diaper and feeding him that way

    Also, just get like a washcloth, dampen it w/cold water and put it on him. He will more than likely be able to stay awake so that he can eat.

    Also, that ride in his stroller probably just tired him out. My daughter is the same way when I take her for rides in the car or stroller. She will sleep and sleep the rest of the day away

  2. its ok,,, my 4th baby was a real sleepy baby pretty much the 1st 6 weeks

    she would go up to 6 or even 7 hours without  feed,, but as long as she wet her nappies [as i was told by my nurse] its fine

    as long as theyr feeding more often during other times in the day or night its ok

    i always fed on demand and beleive me they thrived

    as long as shes getting more than 6 feeds in 24 hours itll b ok,

    babies r still very tired at this age,,, and by the way congrats! xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. It's normal for newborn babies to sleep a lot.

    Just relax.  He'll wake up when he's hungry.  You should sleep too.

    The lady is crazy.  I took my twins out when they were 5 days old.  The fresh air IS good for him like you said!

  4. maybe your baby is still tired from the delivery. My doc said never to go more than 3 hours but the lactation specialist said that if the baby had a good "drink" then it is ok for them to sleep 5 hours because their tummies r small. talk to the doc. Ur baby might wake up in the night and want to feed every hour. thats what my baby did the first few days and when i had to wake her, she would eat very little.

    about the lady, she said that cause newborns are still developing their immune system. my best friend said her doc said to wait one month. my doc hasnt said anything. as long as u dont take the baby to a day care or where there is loads of people that touch or cough on the baby.... taking a walk should not be harmful. Everyone has different opinions but I think you should just keep the baby away from crowds cause people get the irresistible urge to wanna touch the baby and then they spread their germs but i say taking a walk should be fine. congrats!

  5. Babies will normally let you know when they are hungry. If it doesn't work waking him up, leave him to sleep. He will get hungry and let you know soon enough. Your milk is much more filling now than it has been for the past three days.

  6. He needs to eat, so continue to try to wake him up.

    Don't listen to strangers, you're fine to take him out as long as his needs are being met!

  7. People will always solicit unwanted parenting tips, and as annoying as it is, you have to just smile and take one for the team. Being a parent of 2 boys I have had my fair share of horrible advice, you just have to smile and do what you believe is best for your baby.

    Newborns should sleep on average of 12-16 hours a day (mine never did so don't worry if yours doesn't). They know when they are hungry and you will too. As your baby becomes hungry, your b*****s will fill with milk and you will feel them in a kind of pain and heavy feeling. Your body knows how much to feed your baby and as long as you put your baby to your breast at least once a day, you will continue to make enough milk. My advice is that you nap while your baby is napping if that's possible. The only time to worry is if they go more than 4 hours without a wet diaper. Watch for wet diapers and if they decrease, try supplementing with formula for a feeding and call your doctor, they will be able to tell you what to do next.

  8. It is okay for infant to sleep for 4 hours. Think over the last 24 hours - how many times did he eat . Your goal is to aim for 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. I'm assuming that you have been breastfeeding since he was born. Does he eyes look yellow? If you push on his skin and then let go of it - does it look yellow? If so then he may be experiencing some jaundice and this can cause babies to become tired. I would take your son undress him down to his diaper and take your shirt off and bring him to your breast - if he doesn't wake - keep him on your chest and try again in 20 minutes.

    If this continues to go on for 5-6 hours then you can express some of your milk - put it into a small medicine cup and try to cup feed him.

    It is ok to take a baby outside on a walk.

  9. Going out in the fresh air is fine. As long as you cover them as necessary, and keep the sun off of them.

    Baby's sleep a LOT. and it does not surprise me at all that your baby is sleeping through his feeds. I guess it depends on how you are feeding him. Demand or routine?? I would definitely recommend feeding babies at his age every 4 hours at least. Generally if you take there nappy off that will wake them, but if that is not doing the trick, try getting a semi-cold washer and placing it on his bottom.

    Does he have a little bit of Jaundice? this could make him sleepy also. A bit of sun, not too much though, will do him good.

    Good luck and congratulations.  

  10.   it is summer so it should be fine to take baby out now,  just stay away from people you know are sick. Also  give him time to sleep. If he sleeps more then 6-8 hours then wake him but the first days and week or so he will be very tired.

  11. Newborn babies should be kept indoors for a couple of weeks because they are susceptible to all types of air born viruses. There immune system is very immature and needs time build up anti bodies. You really should not take them out for couple of weeks except for medical check ups. As he has jaundice he needs to be feed every 3 hours with out fail; otherwise the jaundice will worsen; it may also be the jaundice which is making him sleepy as that is a side affect of the jaundice. I have 4 children and all have had jaundice but my first was the worst she spent 10 days under light and the problem was she had trouble feeding. Just wake him and feed at least every 3 hours.

  12. If he has jaundice and you can not wake him after 5 hours to feed then you need to get medical attention immediately.

  13. Fresh air is fine. I had my son out at 5 days old. Everyone has an opinion on how long you should wait. Try your best to feed your baby as often as you can but don't stress over it unless you are uncomfortable. I actually fed my son with him totally naked to keep him awake. You can try putting a cool wash cloth to his feet as well.

  14. Hello, your baby will wake up when he is tired. They are smart little people when it comes to them knowing when to eat and when to sleep. I wouldn't worry about his sleeping patterns too much. Also, it is good for your baby to get fresh air as long as you make sure he doesn't catch a chill while outside. I would ask your doctor for sure though if you are concerned about what she has said.  

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