
2 questions in one. (: are these clothes cute? how can i change my friends? best answer in 4 hours! (:?

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so im going into 8th grade meaning my last year of middle school.

i want it to be the best year ever because last year SUCKED.

im a good kid.

have decent/good grades.

dont do drugs or drink.

NEVER have, although ive pretended to.

BECAUSE, almost all my friends do.

but i dont like it anymore.

i always get introuble with them.

and i have "poor citizenship" according to my teachers.

and i cant hang out with any of my closest friends anymore because i just got into trouble with them.

so, theres a few people in my grade i'd really like to become friends with.

they're popularish, but not cuz they are rude or s****..

its cuz they're very good students, have class, stay out of trouble, and all the teachers love them. they are really nice to everyone too.

theyre preppy, and im gonna buy "preppy" clothes this year, like these: -this in the blackberry color. i think its really cute for fall. -this in the greyish color.

so they arent totally preppy but theyre just normalish.

like last year it was all sweat shirts and boring stuff.

i wanna look cute and "trendy" this year.

so about the friends, i really want to become friends with them, but how?

not becuase theyre popular, but i think those are the people i have the most in common with.

im athletic (i dont think i mentioned it, but they are to.)

i get ok grades

i wanna be good

we have the same "values"

and the same style.

so how do i become friends with them?

beauce they are popular, i get kinda shy around them.

i cant just walk up and start a conversation with them really.

so how can i do it?

aand are those clothes cute?

also, when i do talk to them, what should i talk about?

thanks in advance! best answer in four hours! (:




  1. girl enjoy your llast year of middle school and have a ball just stay out of trouble and ge the new clothes and enjoy 8th grade

  2. Those kids seem nice but , what about when you get to know them? they can be completely different from what you think they may be.

    I guess if you want to be friends with them go for it but .. what if they reject you or something? Personally i think you should just be yourself and go with the flow, you never know what other people you can meet ! they could be much cooler then the " preppy " kids

  3. your clothes and a new mask of 'trendy' you put on for school will bite you in the heart eventually.  be who you are, not pretending to be.  make the changes INSIDE first, then decide if buying all the clothes and using that to buy friends.  

  4. I like all the clothes you have on there. I think that maybe you should get just another shirt, instead of about two sweaters, unless the girls wear different sweaters a lot?

    I think if you'd add a pair of jeans from Abercrombie, Hollister, Aero, or even pacsun, that'd help your outfit. I listed those stores because in my school a lot of popular people wore these types of clothes (i just graduated...).

    Another way to look trendy would to do your hair in special ways, or your make-up, or just change up your look. You see a lot of girls keep their hair just straight, and I often times' think "change it up a little!"

    It'd be great if you had a class with them, and if you do, just start talking to them. Complimenting one of them is a good start. They feel happy about themselves because they recieved a compliment, and you feel happy because you made conversation.

    Good luck!

  5. To answer your first question: don't dress like people because you want an in with them.  Dress the way you feel.  Wear things you like.  There are a million girls your age (literally) wearing the same crappy name-brand clothes.  The year I dictated what clothes I wore by the brand (which was also 8th grade) was the worst year of my life.  It made me miserable simply because I realized I was trying too hard to make something happen.  Just go with the flow.  Be expressive but don't try to go overboard.  Like I said, just don't try too hard.  Be who you've always been.

    Your second question: the best friends I ever met, I met out of sheer coincidence and chance.  Whenever I forced myself into a group of people "because we had the same interests" -- it ended up that they weren't the people I thought they were.  Sure, we had something in common but they ended up being huge tools.

    If you want/need new friends, just strike up conversations with people you honestly think are interesting.  If that means the people you are talking about -- do it.  If they don't accept you or act like you're not up to snuff, move on.  Don't waste your time trying to impress them with clothes and partying.  As far as what to say?  Just ask them how they're doing.. or if you see that they're doing something you think is interesting ask them about it.  Are they a part of any clubs/sports?  Ask them about it.  

    Take advantage of group situations in classrooms (seating arrangements, projects, etc.).  A lot of times I'd shy away from getting to know the people around me and although I wanted to be friends with them, I would hear from people that they thought I was a just cold and mean.  Just don't be overly peppy; just be genuine.

    It's so much harder to be someone else to make people try to like you than it is to just be you and have people adore you.

  6. if you have any classes with them just kinda start talking and it will go on from there. & if you dont approve of what your friends are doing. ditch them. because they dont sound like people you need to waste your time with

  7. yeah--clothes can influence your mentality a little... but there more to good grades, being a good citizen, and getting good grades (especially) that the clothes you wear. but those look fine.

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