
2 questions in one...?

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----Question 1: has anybody EVER asked or found a question where there literally is NO answer? not including stuff like "I don't know or ask someone else" but real answers.

-----Question 2: is it right that, where I live, the cop cars have absolutley NO resemblance of a cop car at all? I've seen a truck and 2 cars like this in my area, one is a SILVER charger: no black, no numbers, no writing, NO VISIBLE LIGHTS, and no push bar! when it pulls someone over the red and blue lights replace the fog lights on the car and the headlights flash. Is that unfair?




  1. Lots of unanswered questions, especially in the sciences. Mathematics is filled with them. Also historical questions for which we lack adequate documentation to give an adequate answer. Some of these are not very old. For instance, how did nylon get its name? The original of the name was lost/confused almost right from the start.

    As for the second question, that is what is known as an unmarked car/vehicle. Police use them all the time.

  2. No it's not unfair. I'm not sure what kind of neighborhood you live in, but be thankful that you have police patrolling in your area...unless your a criminal. And do yourself a favor and don't least until your outta your 'hood.

  3. 1 Does God exist? If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a noise? When you close a door on a room is it still there?

    What is at the end of the universe?. What is inside a Black Hole? Where do we go when we die? If you put a cat in a box and close the lid is the cat still there? etc. etc.

    2 No is not fair, if it being used to deal with minor infringements, but if it stops major crime and catches serious criminals it can be justified!

    I live in the UK and the police use unmarked cars to video and catch car thieves etc. Occasionally they will pull up normal motorists if they are acting suspiciously.

    They look just like normal saloons, normally fairly powerful ones, though, so this happens all over the world.
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