
2 questions on contact lenses?

by Guest55856  |  earlier

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1. What do the daily contacts such as Focus Dailies have different than other types? I mean if you clean them with a proper contact lense solution, can you use them more than once, like let's say for a month?

2. If a piece from a lense is cut off, a little piece, can u still use it or can it damage your eye? Mine got a little bit of the edge missing and the only problem with it so far is that it keeps on moving around and is kinda uncomfortable.




  1. dailies are made of thinner material (and should only be worn daily), if you want to wear monthly lenses, go get some, monthlie are less expensive.

    Do not wear any lens that is damaged, throw it away, & wear a new one.

  2. 1. They are flimsier, they will tear easier, it's probably not a good idea to use them for more than a week.

    2. NO DO NOT DO THAT. You could end up scratching your eye.

  3. 1. Any daily lens is made of less durable material and is meant to only be worn once. You might be able to stretch it to two days, but it's not recommended. Definitely not for a month! They would probably not even last that long anyway.

    2. NO, you definitely can't/shouldn't wear a lens if it's in any way damaged. Not only will it be uncomfortable, but it could cause damage to your eye.

    Daily lenses are usually more expensive than monthly or weekly ones... if you are trying to save money by stretching out the use or using damaged lenses, I'd suggest moving to a monthly lens instead.If you get them online, it's also a lot cheaper. I get mine from and they've been good.

  4. They are actually the same but the company claims that the contacts can be wore for longer time without feeling dry. No dont re-use it. never ever. Dont use it if it is damaged.

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