
2 questions would like feedback pleasE?

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ok 1st question would you use a nice oversized handbag instead of buying a baby bag??and 2nd question is my son will be due in the fall November to be exact and i was wondering what to dress him in??DUH i know clothes but i live in Atlanta and the weather is crazy it really dont get cold until the end of December but around Nov we get crazy weather like one day its 30 degrees the next its like 60 and i know some babies get hot and sweaty if you put to many layers on them so what would you recommend??thanks




  1. For your first question: Use whatever you'd like! Whatever makes moving around easier for you :] I use a very small diaper bag for his diapers, wipes, extra outfit, travel sized baby products, and a burp cloth. I also have another bag (kind of like those cloth shopping bags) I use for his toys and books. Works well for us!

    For your second question: I live in California...but I heard you should dress your baby in the same layers you're wearing plus one. I dress him in whatever he looks comfortable with. If your baby is too hot or cold, he'll let you know :]

  2. you can use an oversized bag for a diaper bag, many women do because it is more stylish then a bag with winnie the pooh onit.  You should pack a tee shirt and a a pamper for if it is hot, and a recieving blanket to cover the carseat with because you dont want any sunshine on your baby and also pack thick footie pjs for if it is cooler!, With such a big bag you can fit both!

  3. Um no i wouldn't buy an over sized handbag that sound stupid. Don;t be stingy buy a freaking nappy bag! two wouldn't you just buy some warm clothes some cool clothes  for the hot days and the cold. you need to accommodate for all  weather but i thought that was obvious?

  4. i would use the cool bag....but i don't know bout the weather ...don't baby's get cold fast anyway?

  5. Q.1: I didn't buy a diaper bag. I use a large tote bag that I happened to have and it works just fine. It has two large compartments and a zipper, which is a good idea.

    Q.2: My daughter is 5 months and I still don't always know what to dress her in. We live in Florida, but I'm not from here, so I always think she's too hot outside and too cold inside. Anyway, they say that in warm weather you dress your baby in the same amount of layers as you dress yourself. In colder weather, you give the baby an extra layer. When we're at home, I have our baby in a sleeper all day. It's the most comfi. When we take her for a walk, she's just wearing a onesie. When I go out running errands and doing groceries, I usually put a little dress on her, leaving her arms, legs and feet bare.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!  

  6. I bought a nappy bag and I don't use it EVER so boo hiss to the first answerer...I much rather use the oversized handbag I already have. Well it's kinda oversized, it's just an over the shoulder simple bag sort of like this but bigger

    . I did use the nappy bag for the first few weeks when everytime you go out, you pack every single thing you can think of lol.... now I just shove in a couple of nappies, wipes change of clothes food toys.

    As for clothes.... always put a singlet...even in hot weather most babies like to have something on (although you don't need to if ur bub doesn't seem to like it) and just layer...that way you can take things on and off. I know it's pretty hard trying to work it all out but once bubs is here, you will quickly learn what works best for him/her. If it's a bit cold out, just make sure you have a blankie...much easier to put that on/off than add a layer.

  7. Whether to buy a diaper bag or an oversized handbag or tote bag is up to you... Diaper bags have lots of handy compartments, and you'll find that you need them.  LOTS of diaper bags/baby bags these days are really stylish.  You really DO need a way to keep used diapers and dirty clothes separate from clean items and, most importantly, bottles!

    About how to dress your baby ... just please don't overdress him.  Whatever you're comfortable in, he will be, too ... but take along a light blanket to cover any exposed skin.  For example, if you're comfortable in a T-Shirt and shorts, your baby will be fine in an undershirt and lightweight diaper-cover or pants ... but always have something (receiving blanket or cloth diaper) with you to cover him.  That's also important to protect against sun and wind.

    And socks ... for whatever reason, most infants seem to like wearing socks!

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