
2 quick questions for you, please?

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How much juice do you allow your child to have in a day? &

How much T.V. do you allow your child to watch in day?

Just wondering how I compare to others out there. My 2 kids are 14 months and 2 yrs (+5 months)

Thanks for your time :)




  1. My daughter is 19 months, and she gets one 10 oz sippy cup of juice a day, 3 of milk, and if she's thirsty afterward, she gets water.

    We watch sesame street, 1 1/2 of nick(dora, Kai-lan,and wonderpets, and then she gets to watch miss spider's sunny patch for an hour in the afternoon. Other than that we watch non violent adult shows, such as animal planet, TLC, and lifetime.  

  2. i give my two year old a sippy full of juice for lunch and sometimes dinner (depending if he drank his milk in the morning) the rest of the time its water (i dont dilute it either because it cuts the vitamin intake. try to get motts for tots less sugar and all the vitamins)

    i put sprout preschool on for him around nap time so he knows its time to calm down and take a nap.

    when it is cold outside and he is in all day we watch tv a little bit more. but never more the 4 hours a day

  3. I only give my son juice with his meals and I try to buy healthy juice.  When he was that age I could water it down (advice from the dr) if he wanted juice & I didn't want him to have more.  So besides meal times it's mostly water.

  4. I let my son have a cup of juice with one meal and another cup with one snack (if he wants juice). Some days, he would rather have G2 or milk or water. I usually water it down.

    I allow him to watch as much on Spout (Caillou, Sesame Street, Bob the Builder) as he wants, but the other thing he likes in Sponge Bob and I try to limit that to one hour max. Even then, I try to be in the room to instruct him when there are things show I don't really like. I never would have even let him watch it, but his Dad started the practice. Even when the TV is on, he usually gets up and plays according to the theme of the show.

    My son will be three in October.

  5. My daughter drinks very little (or what an adult would consider very little) juice.  She likes it, so at the most she gets 2 sippy cups in a day, but normally she drinks just milk and water.  Yes, my 20 month old likes water.  It's the best thing right after you've come inside from playing hard outside!

    My daughter watches some TV- it's part of her routine.  My mom watches her during the day and she lets her watch Higgly Town Heros while eating breakfast, then later she watches Word World.  She may watch a few other things too, but she loves to read and play outside and of course lots of other things too!  Trust me- I don't care much for TV at all- I hardley ever watch my TV.  If I thought she were watching too much I'd do something.

  6. about 3 or 4 cups a day

    and let them watch tv 4 at least 1 or 2 hrs a day

  7. My children get 8 oz of juice per day. This is usually at morning snack time. They get to watch only educational TV like Dora, Little Einsteins, Blues Clues...and it probably equals about 2 hours of tv per day, but not continuous and they usually play more than watch it anyway.

    2 year old and 11 month old

  8. I allow my daughter to drink how much she want. I have water on table and if she wants something she can ask. Juice isnt good for the teeth. And Tv just 1 hour/day thats enough. I hate when people use the TV for babysitting

  9. i let my kids watch tv when they wanted but i kept them so interested in other things that most of the time they don't want to watch.  juice should be limited to 8 oz per day so it doesn't interfere with feedings.

  10. my son has 330ml proper fruit juice

    330ml weak squash

    unlimited water

    he does not watch the telly, he's just not interested in it.

    he'd rather be out on his bike or playing lego or colouring

    he's 4

  11. My son is same age and I try to control both of them too. lol

    I try to show him tv only when I cooking and cleaning otherwise try to take him out, read book or other activity. and for juice 2-3 times dilutated in sippy cup.

    BUT my husband who is tv monster he turn it on first thing in the morning and turn off last thing in night. so when I'm away 3days time 3times a months he drink juice all the time, eat cookies all days long with TV. How bad is that?? I think TV is not good for young kids brain...hope its help you.

  12. I always gave my kids (that age) water, half and half h2o and juice, or half and half Gatorade and h2o.Milk and water with meals. TV is fine-mho....but really if they are doing things that keep them busy, tv should be last on the list. Really hot afternoons are great for tv--along with painting coloring and reading books. Or make it a special move time. Pop some popcorn and watch a kids movie with them. To answerer your question more precisely...use moderation concerning both. Enjoy your kids :)

  13. I let her have 250 mL of juice a day or one cup, usually watered down 1/2 and 1/2 into about 3 bottles.  And she gets two shows a day that equal 1 1/2 hours.  She is 21 months old.

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