
2 rats now, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I had one rat, then I got another, now she is more active and playful...unfortunately, more with the rat.

She never wants to come out of her cage anymore, just cuddle with the other rat.

I give them treats and take them out to play, but all they wanna do is cuddle together on my shoulder...

when I take one out at a time (hoping to get some cuddling and petting in) all she does is run in the direction of the other rat (in the cage)

How can I get them both to depend on each other AND me?




  1. Get a snake

  2. Give them time. Right now, they are making friends with each other, and this shouldn't be a bad thing!

    When you handle them, handle them together! That way, they won't have the desire to go back to the cage to be with each other.

    I usually let my rats hang out on the couch with me, or on my computer desk. They are free to socialize with each other, and they both are much more interested in me when they're not forced to be.

  3. i would give them some more time. they are still getting use to each other. theres nothing wrong with that.

  4. Try putting them in separate cages.... In different rooms...   And don't get them out at the same time.....

  5. Call an exterminator before it's too late!

  6. wel sounds like they like each other alot u can try seperating them and wen she on her own trie pic her up its just gona take time and gettin used to rats are suppsoed to be in pairs or if ur waking them to play then dont coz they wont like u for that just introduce urself slowly and she will no ur there

    they are smart she wil never forget who  u are just be patient  

  7. Sorry, your rats like each other more than you.

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