
2 seperate outlets in my kitchen have died...

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I live in an apartment. What could be done about this?




  1. Tell the manager!

  2. there is a breaker or a fuse controlling those two outlets....if you don't know where they are you need to ask your landlord or building maintence person or manager. its not a lot of work to fix the problemso your landlord  wont be mad

  3. Depends, how old is the apartment,if you have a new fuse box you should be able to see if the fuse for those outlets is in the off position meaning something shorted out, you can then just turn it back on, BUT if it shorted something made it short out, like too many appliances going at once.  If its an old one you have to manually take out the fuse and replace it, in which case you should turn off the mains to your appt first, then re thread the fuse wire, if you haven't done this before, then yes maybe you need to call the manager. try not to open fridge or freezer while waiting so food stays as cold as possible in the meantime.

    this is googles page of 'how to change a fuse' you should be able to find your fuse in there, fuse wire is really cheap ($2-$3) at hardware or local supermarket.

  4. Look at the outlet, if you see a red and black button push the one that says reset, of that does not work then press test, if that does not work locate circuit breaker and see if there are any switches in the off position you it would be labeled 15 amp most of the time, if it is then flip it on and test the outlet, if that does not work call the Landlord.  

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