
2 short Yahoo chat room questions that I need answered..?

by  |  earlier

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1) Why is it that in the chat room on the right hand side by the names of the participants you see some peoples names highlighted in blue and other names are in the normal black?....& 2) How do you stop idiots from booting you out of chat rooms??




  1. 1) They are in Voice Chat status and/or have their webcam on.

    2) Exactly, what do you mean? Do you mean you are getting kicked out? Well sorry but i do not know but sometime it is maybe your connection that is wrong.

    EDIT: Just don't believe them. They are just tricking you. If not, it is probably your internet connection down or the wire itself was not plugged correctly.

  2. The names in BLUE means that they have voice.

    The names in BlACK mean that they don't have voice in chat.

    To stop idiots from booting you in chat rooms, is almost impossible, but many say that Yazak Messenger is boot proof. I don't know, as I don't have it and don't have much of a problem with booters.  

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