
2 simple questions 10 points best answer.?

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omg can someone please help i dont understand! im a seventh grader.

ok well look can someone answer this?

Simile-compares 2 unlike things using like or as.

write a simile about school.

and number 2:

"let sleeping dogs lie"

what does this adage really mean?

write the adage and the true meaning.




  1. Let sleeping dogs like means leave things that aren't causing any problems alone.

    Sleeping dogs don't produce any trouble, but if you wake them they might start barking and tearing people's throats out and getting a taste for human flesh and going on a blood fuelled rampage until they're finally taken down in a hail of bullets but then they come back as an undead vampire dog until someone puts a stake through their black heart and then precisely one hundred years later they're dug up again and their brain but into a robotic steel shell and they become a crazed, killing cybermutt.

    Hope that helps!

  2. My school is like a factory because it produces smart kids.

    let sleeping dogs lie means to let a situation alone because it may become explosive and hurt you.

  3. School is as boring as watching golf with my great-grandpa on Saturday morning!

    adage-If someone is told to let sleeping dogs lie, it means that they shouldn't disturb a situation as it would result in trouble or complications.

  4. a similie about shcool could be

    school is like a dungeon, you can't get out until authorities let you out.

    school is like a book, you learn new things all the time.

    i don't know the second one, sorry.

  5. I looked adage up on google and this is what came up

    An adage , or adagium (Latin), is a short but memorable saying that holds some important fact of experience that is considered true by many people ...

    Hm let old dogs lie means that someone shouldnt say something or do something to cause someone else to become angry or to make trouble.

  6. School is as frustrating as my little sister. (simile)

    Adage:- a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation; proverb.

  7. I'm not going to write a simile about school, since that is your homework. But here are some similes about life/living:

    Life is LIKE a box of chocolates

    Living in the desert is LIKE living on the sun

    My life is AS wonderfule AS fresh clothes from the dryer.

    So find something that school is: fun, boring, stupid, hard, evil, etc. and then find something that is also fun, boring, stupid, hard, evil, etc (make sure both school and the other thing are both the same). Then compare school to the other thing using the word "like" or "as"

    Sleeping dogs lie: Literal translation: don't interrupt a dog that is sleeping because he could bark, be angry, etc.

    Metaphorical translation: don't drag things up from the past, don't try and cause trouble by attempting to change something

    For example, if you friend is obsessed with pink and you think pink is a horrible color, instead of trying to make her see that pink is a horrible color you would just ignore it, essentially you "let sleeping dogs lie" by jnot trying to change something.

  8. school is sh*t as f*ck

    "let sleeping dogs lie" means

    don't drag up things from the past and what is gone cant be brought back

  9. I don't know about school, but there's always:

    life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get

    well, for #2 the answer is:

    Don't bring up problems that exist if you don't have to.

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