The first dream:
I went to go see my boss, at his home it looked like, instead of his pizza parlor, for my paycheck (i have a job), and he kept stalling, he's like ok, but do this. He, and this one woman in a black long coat gave me flyers and dog biscuits to pass out. I had stepped on dog poo, once as i was going door to door. Then the woman had broadcasted a news report stating "in a country where the lows are fed" or sommething like that. Then i had woken up. that was yesterday
earlier this morning. I had a dream, I was being invited to this church. I was suspicioud because I usually don't go to some churches, that seem fake to me. But I had gone for these lessons don't remember what, it was like I needed help with school work I had gone then I was talking to the girl asking me to come ther was this bowl of gooey shapes. I looked in there and picked two like ok. I am only going to bring my brain and ears...... along, thinking about my dad hoping he wouldn't be angry with me. So I had gone. There was this teacher teaching us something but others had left, and I had been the last to leave there, but i had graduated from there. then i woke
that is all i can remember and they are confusing, if you don't understand them I understand, lol